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Top Gear Picture Guide

So, here is the final update for this season. Once again, thanks for the support and TechZ for the mirror.


Anyway, one of the main reasons why I made this was so you can quickly pick the episode of TG that you watched the least times over, in the hard times when TG is off the air... which is now :)

I'll just point out that TechZ also hosts the zipped version of this (although you might want to wait until it's updated with 08x08). The idea is having it conveniently offline as a reference.

Thanks again for the support and comments, see you in... whenever TG is back 8)
Orange, do you know how much bandwidth you use to host this page? If it's small enough, I'm will to give you some hosting space on my server so that we don't have to look at the angelfire ads.
That's some very nice work but in Series 3 #8 that Mercedes should be a 280 SL not the 300 SL.
Oh, thanks TechZ!

Thanks to Svets for the heads-up on the 280 SL, I've corrected it in my version, so whenever there'll be a next update, it's there...

... BTW if it's irritating, you can change that on the mirror site, I have no problems with that.

I put the new links into the first post, for better overview.

And as I said before, feel free to mirror, change and use anything from the guide for your purposes, it's from fans for fans :)
Great work! :thumbsup:
Thanks for your work :bow:
it's really the most useful top gear guide to find a specific episode quickly :thumbsup:
Time flies - topgear is back again and so am I - just letting you know that I'll be updating the picture guide every week with the new episodes.
Enjoy, and cheers!

Edit: Oh, and the current season is in pink. Hey, there are only so many colors, it had to come at some point :D

Your guide is undoubtedly the best TG guide around, but my only problem with it is the unbelieveable slow loading times. Could you look into possible ways in improving the loading time? Probably making new, smaller sized pictures. Maybe viper could host it for you or something?

If your guide were incorporated into, lets say FG 4.0, as the main guide, the host issue should atleast be solved, eh? ;)
Could you look into possible ways in improving the loading time? Probably making new, smaller sized pictures.

i'm saving the complete page with pictures into a single file (i'm using opera) and point my bookmark to it
it's loading in 1sec from my hdd 8)
Your guide is undoubtedly the best TG guide around, but my only problem with it is the unbelieveable slow loading times. Could you look into possible ways in improving the loading time? Probably making new, smaller sized pictures. Maybe viper could host it for you or something?

If your guide were incorporated into, lets say FG 4.0, as the main guide, the host issue should atleast be solved, eh? ;)
Thanks for so much support!

It's true with the loading times - the main reason for that is that this is meant to be used offline (much like fluke667 is using it) - it's basically my own reference guide which I put online to share - an unaltered 1:1 copy of what I have on my home computer (which is not connected to the net) so I have no extra work - of course, obviously, Angelfire generates those extra banners automatically. But in essence, this is my desktop episode guide that I use almost everyday (because I watch the show so often, I wanted to be able to quickly see which episodes I was in the mood to re-watch).

Technically, yes, I could simply split the page into seasons (each with its individual page) and that would definitely improve loading times. But I'm not really sure about it, since with this the guide would lose its "at a glance" character, which is, frankly, the point. This is why I encourage people to use it the way it was meant to be used, just downloading it (preferrably after a season has ended) and then have it ready in case you want to quickly decide which one to watch before going to sleep :)

I could also make two versions - one for the web, and one for offline viewing, but a lot of the charm for me comes from the fact that it's as simple as uploading the updated htm file and the new pictures on the site - and that's it.

On the other hand, I really encourage people to work with the list and use and re-use it for any purpose if they wish - you can make your own versions, you can steal all the pictures, I don't mind at all, feel free to do whatever you think is good, I won't be upset and there is no need to ask for my permission or credit me. If you'd like, you can make a mirror, you can integrate parts of it into a website, it's all fine with me - it's mostly all because I just want to stick to the format that works for me (offline-oriented, requiring very little time to maintain - this is a key point), but at the same time if people want to make the guide better, I don't want to stand in the way.

Hmmm, I hope that doesn't sound egoistic, but this format worked for me for so long, I'm afraid to change the formula. :)
Orange/PEEL, your guide is absolutely fantastic, thanks for updating it so quickly. I use it all the time, just like you, to check out which episodes I'm in the mood to rewatch. Truth be told, the link is in my toolbar of Firefox.
My apologies for the belated update - nevertheless, it's done now - season 10 is all there, so once again, I hope the picture guide will serve you well when you'll be choosing which back episodes to watch until the summer.

Best is to save the page (preferrably as MHT) and use it on the desktop :)

That concludes my work for 2007, wishing all FinalGear fans the best in 2008 and more TopGear goodness next year. Cheers!
