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?Torrent - Any good?

I recently switched from Bitcomet to it as well...
Bitomet becae sooo fat the last 2 releases. It makes your Computer sooo slow. Most games stuttered as hell, when it ran in the Background.

utorrent is awesome, all the settings I like, speed has improved as Swek mentioned earlier, DHT is onboard, simply the perfect client... And that scheduler option is amazing...

yeah i switched from Bitcomet to uTorrent and i love it, its fast and uses low memory.
The scheduler is fine, but not as flexible as azureus'.
Happy hours only start at 1am, and I can't start downloading before, or it will count all the download as before 1am, so I'll have to pay. The only chance I have is to make it start at 2am... 1 hour wasted... Oh, and I can't change the clock to be 5 or 10 minutes late, as I'm taking advantage of a friend's bandwidth... :mrgreen:
Sorry, wrote my post in the wrong thread. :oops:

But so I do actually put something relevant here, been planning to try out this client for a while, so probably will do now... :lol:

Original post here.
I've heard some complaints that it can be prone to mem leaks due to the lack of a proper disk cache. Haven't tried it myself though.