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And finally I thought the infamous (come on Swek, join me!!!) Petesbug has written something usefull and new...

But it seems to me he has some years left in kindergarden... Never heard of Grammar or something like " ... " You also might wanna separate the artist from the title with something like this: " - "

Buba said:
And finally I thought the infamous (come on Swek, join me!!!) Petesbug has written something usefull and new...

Yes, Sir ! How old are you petespug ?

Don't expect a proper answer to your one-liners. A first would be to write headlines people can decipher.

Although if I were you Buba, I would concentrate on something else. Like laughing about Jason everytime he desperately tries to look cool by calling other people nerds.
^^ Well, I do, but I don't post it anymore ;-)

And somehow I'm always one of the first to encounter Petespugs stuff... He is even more of a thrill than anybody, because he just doesn't learn...

Dude, you should check your Limbic system (not in your computer, its in your brain... and on a second thought, go to a doctor for that reason...)...
I'm just kneedeep in Neuroanatomy. When that ones damaged, you can still learn movements but everytime you try or do so, you won't remember it afterwards...

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