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Update: more Triumph, this time Michal Jackson fans!


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2004

I found this very funny video of Triumph the insult comic dog (from Late Night with Conan O'Brien) mucking some Star Wars fans. :lol:
The clip seems to be quite old (more than a year) but IMO it's still hilarious and some of you may not know it.

Check it out:
(17.7 mb)


PS: Ren, if you've already seen this, keep it to yourself. :p
You bet... :roll:

Saw it on the Conan O'Brian "infomercial" for his DVD. Man that was so hilarious, I was in pain for a few days after watching that spoof on an infomercial becuase I was laughing so hard. :lol: :lol:

Man Conan O'Brian is so funny.
OMG that is the funniest shit every i am crying right nowAHAHAHAHHAHA is every brain oconner show this good?
jasonchiu said:
wehre can i get more triumph the dog vids?!?!?!


It's a segment of Late Night with Conan O'Brien. Not sure if they ditched him though because I haven't seen Triumph in a while.
Btw, Conan himself/his show is very funny too!

You can download his show as well as David's and Jay's here:
The delay is only one day, but you have to register.

I usually download a couple of episodes of conan per week and also at least Monday's Tonight show, because of the headlines. :mrgreen:

It's dutch, so:
swek said:
To register you need to click on Registrieren. The next window asks you for:
2)Email adres=Go figure yourself ;).
The Email has to be valid IIRC, they have to send you a confirmation.

I remember that clip from Conan's 10th anniversary special. My belly was really aching from laughing too hard.

Yeah, and Sigur Ros is awesome. Aren't they supposed to release a new album soon? Sorry to hijack the thread.
jasonchiu said:
OMG that is the funniest shit every i am crying right nowAHAHAHAHHAHA is every brain oconner show this good?

haha I thought that was funnier than the movie..... for some reason.
Alright, more Triumph. This time probably most of you haven't seen the clip, this segment just aired on Thursday. :)

Triumph is making fun of Michael Jackson fans waiting in front of the courthouse:

Didn't have time yet to watch it myself actually. If it's half as funny as the last clip I'm satisfied! ;)
