US Top Gear...What were they thinking???

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New Member
Dec 19, 2011
US POC GMC Vandura 2500
Why would they produce a Top Gear in the US when we can't have decent content such as in the UK? I've tried watching the US version and I will go back to looking for UK episodes since they are more entertaining and just plain fun to watch. Go Brits!

But seriously, though, what's wrong with having MORE Top Gear? It's not like having a local crew that goofs around with stateside-bound cars somehow erases footage of Top Gear UK from history.
It reminded me of S1 and S2 of the new TG - the team hasn't really had a chance to gel yet, and they're kind of forcing it. They had some nice segments though. The moonshiner challenge was kind of funny :)
Oh, good, more of this nonsense.

It's a different take on the format in a different country for a different audience. Don't expect it to be the same.

Also there are several threads of this ilk already. I suggest you do some proper looking and join in the discussions there should you so desire.
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