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Very First episode?

There are 1992 episodes but trust me, everything thats ever been released is avaiable through either www.mininova.org or that FTP I showed you in the other thread.
What is this? 20 Questions?
SL65AMG~V12~604BHP!!!!!!! said:
You won't. They don't exist on the net.

There is always a way to get an episode. Dont give him such an answer, tell him to approach the BBC to get them, so that we could get some benefit as well. :roll:
The BBC will have copies of those episodes, certainly...
hajj said:
SL65AMG~V12~604BHP!!!!!!! said:
You won't. They don't exist on the net.

There is always a way to get an episode. Dont give him such an answer, tell him to approach the BBC to get them, so that we could get some benefit as well. :roll:
The BBC will have copies of those episodes, certainly...
Yes hajj, the BBC is going to give episodes of Top Gear for us to presumably distribute over the net :roll:

You can do that if you want...
Since i dont pay license fee's that is not an option (I still get BBC though, legal), but I didnt ask for that episode...
there ARE clips from the early 80's floating around the internet. im sure someone has them buried under their stash of vintage porn at their mom's house or something.