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Vicky Butler Henderson anagram

My name comes out to "Yeah! New Gnash." Hardly exciting...

What is my name?
"Skulk a mad Zack amazer" Here's mine. Nothing interesting.
"Eviler Molester" :lol:
Lol - the Victoria Butler-Henderson ones are pretty good. My name brings up: "Throw up ultra bet" - whatever the hell that means - lol
lol the word rapist and racist and haircuts are in my name (first and last)
Because Finnish names don't usually have any voiced consonats (you know like b, g, etc.), I thought that the machine could have some difficulties and something interesting could come up. And so happened:

'Jar on a loo Satan.' :D

I added my middle name this time:

'To jail to an anal reason.'
^ :lol: where do i put my name in the site??

edit: nevermind i got 'Ha Ha! Milk add.' wtf? :lol:
and when I added my middle name, 'Ha Ha! Mad jaw kid lad.'
Overheats' girlfriend's anagram is definitely the best! :thumbsup:
I put in my username, here's what I got.

anagrams to
'Weird fart.'

Here's a good one.

'sony playstation'
anagrams to
'National spy toys.'