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video encoding question, also audio bitrates


New Member
Dec 31, 2004
Hi there! First off, just wanted to say thank you for allowing us non-euros to watch this show by providing this site. I see a lot of work going into it and appreciate it very much ... I can't tell you how sick I am of watching low-quality off-sync PAL tv rips!!

So that brings me to my main topics here:

- xvid encoding
- audio encoding/bitrates

I'm in the process of putting together a clips dvd for myself and have gone through days and days of processing to get these things together in a viable format.

So about the xvid encoding, are there any 'standards' set for the codec encoder configurations? By that I mean, whomever is encoding the episode, are they using a set of standardized codec settings to ensure consistency throughout the episode releases?

If not, wouldn't it be cool to implement something like that? :D As it is, I am glad xvid is being used and feel that the video streams (for the most part, sans a few hiccup'd episodes) are very good.

Now as for the audio, there seems to be a LOT of inconsistency throughout all the episodes. Some are stereo, some mono, and they range from 48-192kbps! Would it be possible to standardize this as well, staying with the MP3 codec? My suggestion would be:

48khz (make my life easier for dvd auth'ing ;))
192kbps (or even 224)
stereo (a must!)

This will probably provide the best quality/size ratio, and it wouldn't impact file size that much (personally, I don't even care about file size) since the audio stream is about 20% of the final video 'package' file size. Hell this may already be standardized for all I know. I have noticed the last few releases have all been pretty close in frame sizes/quality/audio encoding.

Forgive my ignorance of the overall process of how these episodes are managed to be encoded, but I thought I'd make a few suggestions since I've been neck-deep in them (all the way back to early 2003 wmv episodes, yikes!).

Cheers. :mrgreen:
I agree, this would be a great idea, especially if the quality of the episodes are kept consistent, although the recent Fifth Gear episodes have been superb quality :D