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w00t got my licence!


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2004
Yup I just picked up my licence yesterday and I drove to college today. Hell lot of fun!

Oh and results for my high school exams (equivalent of SAT, O-lvl) is coming out in a week. Damn i'm scared!
Yeah, congratulation!

Be careful till you have some Experience!!!

Congratulations, drive safely :lol:
Congrats, safely, but quickly; that's my motto 8)

But if you get caught the judge will be handing out your sentence :bangin:

*insert "Law & Order" -doink-doink- here*
I'm trying to drive as much as possible to gain experience.

I used to be afraid of cutting and changing lanes but I'm more comfortable now. Though the blindspots catch me off guard often.
Congrats and enjoy until you see the bad drivers who cut you off, don't know what to do,......
MixtriX said:
apparantly, u gotta be pretty brave to drive in malaysia

hell yea...people cut you off for no reason, mercedes thinks they are king of the road... crazy souped up Protons racing with each other and motorbikes just all over the place :D ... if you can drive in malaysia... you'll prob. be able to drive anywhere else... except Mexico City :lol: