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Waiting for SD to be seeded before releasing HD


New Member
Nov 3, 2008
Why is this done?

You're basically making people either, watch it twice, or making them wait before they can download the only version they wanna watch.

I don't wanna come out as a whining kid or anything, I mean, I kinda understand the reasoning behind it, but does it actually work? I don't believe anyone that wants to watch the HD version will actually download the SD first and just seed it until they can download the HD one and watch that. They either download just the SD version or download just the HD version. (ofc there will always be some exceptions)

You guys should do a test once and release both at the same time and see if anything changes.

Again, don't take this thread the wrong way, I love FG and I'm nothing but grateful for all the work you guys have been doing.
The SD version (700MB) hits approx 150,000+ downloads according to the trackers.
The HD 720p version gets around 10-20,000 completed downloads.

Due to demand, the SD 700MB version is released before the HD version.

Also, we do not have the capacity to release both at the same time. As of this post @ 9:33PM EST, the global traffic for S14x03 is over 1800MB/second (megabytes/second).
Yep, comes down to seedbox bandwidth and not wanting slow torrents.
You're basically making people either, watch it twice, or making them wait before they can download the only version they wanna watch.

This makes most people wait less.

I don't believe anyone that wants to watch the HD version will actually download the SD first and just seed it until they can download the HD one and watch that.

Not everyone is able to watch the HD version or benefit from the quality, hence saves the extra bandwidth.

You guys should do a test once and release both at the same time and see if anything changes.

That would mean artificially holding back the SD version by half an hour (or thereabouts), potentially making thousands of people wait unnecessarily... just like you disapprove of holding back the HD version, they would disapprove of holding back the SD version.
So it's a problem of actual total upload speed instead of total size that's uploaded? Hum guess that makes sense, didn't think about it that way.

That would mean artificially holding back the SD version by half an hour (or thereabouts), potentially making thousands of people wait unnecessarily... just like you disapprove of holding back the HD version, they would disapprove of holding back the SD version.
Hum, no that's not what I meant. I don't see why SD version would have to be held back. I meant make both available as soon as they're encoded. I realize the HD version takes longer to encode but it's my understanding that it's held back even more after that.
Yeah the HD is held back a bit.

Total upload speed itself isn't the key, distribution is. If a torrent has thousands of active peers then naturally its combined speed will be high.
As long as the number of complete copies distributed is rather low in comparison to the active peers then it helps overall distribution speed to keep the initial seeders from FG active for a while. As soon as regular peers take over the initial seeders can do the HD torrent.
If you release the HD torrent as soon as possible then either you pull the initial seeders from the SD torrent too early and cripple it, or split up their bandwidth and make both torrents horribly slow. Maybe this way actually gives most HD downloaders their file earlier :D
hi you guys, i dont really care about the sd version being released earlier, but after the 720p version is released i cant find the sd version anymore.

now thats a problem for me because my laptop wont play the hd stuff smooth AND i live in germany so the sd version is released 4 hours before i have to get up and drive to work. actually not drive but ride my bike... :)

would be cool if someone could help me out?
oh well...

that's just me i guess :D

anyways, thanks for the help viperbond:)

it somehow makes the line above smaller? wierd.