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watercooled hard disk

lol thats pretty cool..
if they waterproofed the wires (if there is any) or any connection where water could get in and just stuff it up then they may be on to something.. lol or it could just be a wasted Hard drive.
Lame way to water cool a HDD. I laugh if it ever catches fire on him lol.
-=SLR=- Resize sig pls, max height 175px

Signatures: They shall be no taller than 175pixels INCLUDING text, if you don't want a picture then it's like 5 lines of text, no wider than 600 pixels and may not contain nudity (tits and stuff from down south).
Idiotic idea... Why not use oil instead? But still, it wont be "cooler" ... The only difference will be that the oil is gonna be hot to and not only the disc :D .
pdanev said:
-=SLR=- Resize sig pls, max height 175px

Signatures: They shall be no taller than 175pixels INCLUDING text, if you don't want a picture then it's like 5 lines of text, no wider than 600 pixels and may not contain nudity (tits and stuff from down south).

Oooh missed that, just saw 600 pixels wide.. changing now.
mancs said:
Idiotic idea... Why not use oil instead? But still, it wont be "cooler" ... The only difference will be that the oil is gonna be hot to and not only the disc :D .

Hmmmm. An Oil Cooled PC can be found right here at THG.
Interestingly, the hard drive appears not to be immersed in the oil, though I've not read the article as this computer's slow and 11 pages would take a while to get through.