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Weird Problem: Computer just stops...


Wants Rick Astley's Babies
Nov 12, 2004
BMW M235i

I had PC probs all day long, and suspected Powerstrip, as I was playing around a lot with resolutions and stuff...

Anyway, at some point the computer just stops, the screens freezes and I can't do anything about it... To be clear, the PC does still technically run, but it doesn't react.

First thing I thought about was RAM, so I replaced the perfect running 1GB stic with 2 older 256MB ones... lets see how that turns out.

Any other suggestions?


//edit: Ohh, I forgot. This started to happen, and I just reinstalled, when I was done, it still happend, so its a hardware prob for sure...
you didn't install new hardware then?

Cause I had the same problem two years ago...turned out that my power supply wasn't heavy enough. But if you did not add hardware that stresses your PSU more, what could it be? Virus? conflict trough hardware?

You say you reinstalled? You reinstalled Windows XP? Did you do the recovery or did you fully format your hard drive? and do you have another hard drive (virus on the other drive?)...

Post all your specs...
The system has been running like it was for 1,5 years. Except RAM which was upgraded to 1 GB (one stick) in September
XP 2800+, 9800pro, kt333, 350 WATT PSU (never had a problem...)

Yeah, I COMPLETLY reinstalled it. WITH a full c: format...
Now it seems to work again, or at least its running longer than it has before. But I also unplugged every card in the PC, and changed the RAM back to 2x256 MB, then replugged the dusted off cards...

Maybe a connection was kinda "rusted in" or something, which did cause a problem...

Virus is highly unlikly, since I have Kaspersky AV which updates every hour, and I also had all XP updates installed...

Is your heatsink covered with dust?

I had a similar situation happen to me and found out the CPU was overheating from me NEVER cleaning the dust bunnies out of the heat sink cavities.
I do that from time to time, and my CPU never exeeds 48?C... And I reckon it wouldn't just grind to a halt then...
And yes, I backed everthing I need up. Except most of the applications, but that is actually a good thing, since I'm willing to try new things now.

Pretty sure it was the RAM now... Since I plugged the old one in, everything is fine... I guess I'm not gonna leave it running through the night, though ;-)

Also I don't wanna get it back to my living room since I'm afraid something else might break... Hmm... I had such a nice Highdef evening planned :-( Everything in 720p... Except the new season 24, but that is also hr.hdtv.
i had the same issue

i found out it was my power supply

i was runnin a 350watt and upgraded to ya 550watt and works fine

or like u said it could be ur ram
Yeah, I know about Memtest, it was suggested when I probs after buying that RAM stick. It was giving me problems when I ran it with the additional 2x256...
But I guess, I'd rather have a new 1 GB stick sent to me than fiddle around with the old one...
Clear your CMOS, if you haven't already. This will flush out all the old BIOS settings and allow it to re-detect for your new RAM. Of course, you'll need to go back in and change any settings you had customised, but it's not too difficult overall, the worst bit is getting to the jumper.

All you do is put the jumper on the 2-3 pins for 10sec or so, then put it back on the 1-2 pins, check your motherboard manual for placement of the jumper.
Hmm, weird problem got even weirder...
I finally tested the 1 GB stick with Memtest, since the warrenty people contacted me and asked for a run with it.
Turns out, the RAM is ok, at least 1 run of memtest says that, and their website claims, that obvious problems should have surfaced within 1 run.

I have it running now again, and see if there is any further instability within Windows. Maybe while transport to the living room the stick got a bit loose or never was in its socket solidly...
If it isn't I guess I have to lie to the the guys I bought the stick from, since the issue is obviously RAM related...
