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We're Back!


Chicken Nugget Connoisseur
Sep 21, 2003
Portland, Oregon
2008 Dodge Viper, 2006 MB CLS55 AMG
Box decided to not play nice (cron task gone bad), so the HD ended up needing to be wiped. Luckily, a backup was able to be made before the wipe, so nothing was lost.

Sorry about the downtime and welcome back! :)

BTW - if something like this ever happens again, you can always get the latest news on the site from my blog, http://www.viper007bond.com/ ;)
Oh thank GOD!

I was suffering from Finalgear Deprivation Syndrome (FDS) for a while...I thought I wasn't going to make it...thanks for saving my life there!

I need to get out more. :cry:
Yes i'm the only one on right now! but i don't know how to take screen shots....w/e
Ya, had to reboot or something.
I was on my deathbed since yesterday night, until somebody refreshed the page this evening, then I started to feel better.
i'm glad we made it through the wipe :thumbsup:
Ah, man. And I posted a thread about it on DS 2 hours before this came back up, too...not that anyone there could tell what was going on...
wooo, those withdrawal symptoms are intense...
life just seemed so boring without finalgear... i guess it's just become like a daily chore to check out what everyone has to say.. good to be back here again.. :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
I was a little worried at first, I have to admit! Seemed too coincedental with the start of the new Top Gear season. :lol:
Never do that again :p
I too thought it sucked that the site went down ................. it sucked arse
