What episodes do you want next?

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Top Gear, January 25th, 2004 please

thats just an edited version of the regular episode given in fall 2003, series 3.

its better to have the regular ep.

Viper, when will you start re-releasing the requested eps?

he is very busy but between now and the start of the new series you can bet you get a few of your requests. just be a bit patient. :wink:

Oh btw at the end of the august 1st ep, they said next week they'll air best of top gear, you guys are going to get this or not.

that might be done but if it isnt dont worry cuz its just an hour show of the best clips of the past series. nothing that great but it would be ok to have. we'll have to see if its recorded.
coo coo :)
how many eps aren't being offered anyways? why not release them all.. is it that hard? :p if yes am still requesting Nov 16th and 9th 2003
i'd really hate to say this but i can see how jabba offers his vids to a limited group of ppl. :|

i understand ppl want to see or get vids but the ppl that run this site have lives. just try to be patient ppl, its not like we are charging you for vids or making you post alot to be granted access for vids. :|
That's why I hate this thread, I mean every fucking Vid has been requested at least once.. so what's the point?

and once they requested one, people expect it to be released within the next week.. :roll:

If it was just me, I'd lock this
What episode do I want next?
I don't care, as long AS I get an episode!
In a while you'll have them all (hopefully) so 2 votes for a lock.
Do you need help seeding?

Back to my old suggestion on another thread, happy to receive discs by snail mail
and I will help seed if you wish! :mrgreen:

Oh and happy to pay for stamps and self addressed envelopes :)

Why don't we distribute it that way and it's obvious that the more people seed the more people will get their requested eps quicker.

Just a thought :)

Oh and I vote for locking.
haha I started a petition, let's say we need 007 votes besides me to get a lock!

so far: 2 votes :p
my old suggestion on another thread, happy to receive discs by snail mail

i like that idea but im not sure ppl would want to bother with it, if they do then i have some old dvds im gonna get rid of that i can have distributed to ppl so they can make a copy of it.

and yes lock this sucker. :wink: it is useless and gets ppls hopes up when it takes a while to get a vid up.
4 more votes! (not that I need them but he won't call me a nazi mod if I use democracy, and 007... he'll think it's funny! atleast I hope so! :lol: )
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