What if famous logos were in Comic Sans?

What's wrong with Calibri? It's a fairly inoffensive font... As a general rule I use Times New Roman, I prefer Bookman Old Style myself but it's not professional .
Calibri at least looks professional. Someone I work with uses CS in her e-mail signature. Just one of a long line of reasons why I find her intensely irritating.
Not at all. On the strength of the last run I find that singularly appropriate.
:lol: Our whole department (and possibly the whole local govt) has determined Calibri as the 'official' font.
At least at my university I've heard numerous professors and TAs complain about student using Calibri for their papers. That's because it is the default font in MS Office...along with the retarded 1.25 inch margins on left and right.

Pretty much what toma_alimosh said. But why are they complaining about Calibri? I mean its not childish as Comic Sans and its easy to read. Do they just want something other than the default font?

For us they have a set a rule saying that we must use Times New Roman at size 12 so there are no worries in the font department.

:lol: Our whole department (and possibly the whole local govt) has determined Calibri as the 'official' font.


I like Arial myself and I am sure someone will berate me for that. :p

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Yeah but I'm willing to bet dollars to pesos she's a bit fishy down there!
Calibri at least looks professional. Someone I work with uses CS in her e-mail signature. Just one of a long line of reasons why I find her intensely irritating.

I once had to communicate with someone who, if you counted colors and sizes as unique variations, had 8 fonts in her email sig.

At my job, the standard for all email is Arial, and sometimes Century Gothic for specific documents/presentations.