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what's that song? Thx for playing!


New Member
May 22, 2004
Remember that older episode of fifth gear, titled = "Britain's favorite Farrarri's" or something like that..

Anyways, what's the music that plays when Tiff hypes up the F360 Modena? Been trying to figure this one out for awhile now, if anyone has it to download that'd just be icing on the cake :D

The chick singing one? Kinda sounds like Bjork or something...
any idea what the track is called? I tried all the bjork 30 second samples on the itunes music store.. but none matched up :(
The song is 'Gorecki' by Lamb.

For anybody who is intereseted, the song played during the 250GTO portion (just before the Modena) and used in the opening credit to the Modena portion is 'All Mine' by Portishead - a similar artist to Lamb, but in my opinion much much better.

Check 'em both out, they are both pretty good.
:lol: Never even heard of them. You sure get around. :)
Ya, I'm a music whore. :D

It's a pretty obsessive compulsive habit. I spend the majority of my free time looking for new music - if you want to try and find good music these days it pretty much has to be a full time hobby. :p
ya I'm with you on that one.. finding good music nowadays is quite the task :)
ive just seen the last episode with the lotus elise 111r and the vauxhall vx220 turbo, there is also some excellent music played during their shootout - is this the same music as your talking about above? i really wanna get hold of this music, its ace...

What's a good way of finding good not-well-known music?
And are you a "Trigger-Happy TV" fan? They have a lot of good music on that, a lot of Blur, Oasis, british bands like on FG
f1freak said:
What's a good way of finding good not-well-known music?
And are you a "Trigger-Happy TV" fan? They have a lot of good music on that, a lot of Blur, Oasis, british bands like on FG
I've actually never heard of Trigger-Happy TV, but if you want to find good music here are my recommendations.:

1. Read Spin magazine. It's a popular magazine, but despite it's popularity, it features a tonne of really great new music before it becomes popular.

2. Go to Pitchfork Media's website and read as much as possible. They've got a bit of an elitist music snob thing going on which can get annoying, but they are very good. Their lists and columns are particularily good - they can be found here. They have lists of the best records from specific years, as well as a 'Best albums of the 80s' and 'Best albums of the 90's' list which are absolutely amazing.

3. If you download music, start downloading random music. It may sound a bit nuts, but if you have a fast connection, just download random stuff to see what it is like. I've found two of my all time favourite bands that way: with both 'TV on the Radio' and 'Death from Above 1979' I just saw their band names and thought "hey, that sounds sort of cool" - it turns out both bands are mind-shatteringly cool. :D

4. If you live anywhere near a university or college, listen to their radio station. Most play incredibly cool music, and a lot of very popular bands got their start on college radio. If you don't live near a university or college, listen to KEXP online (Washington University's radio station). Actually, even if you do live near a university, listen to KEXP anyway. :p I listen to KEXP all the time, and every single show on it is amazing.

Hope that helps out. :) Follow those steps and maybe you'll become a music-addict like me - we need a few more around here to help out with the song identifications anyway. :lol: :)