What's your latest [non-technology] purchase?

Ours is actually a 'professional' or industrial hoover if you wanna call it that. Granted our own one hasn't had anything fall off it yet but the ones I work wi', the catches that keep the lid on are forever breaking. An' at nearly 20 quid per catch to replace it get's kinda pricey. Especially when you work with a dude who's accident prone an' has hissy fits worse than any woman an' takes his aggression out on equipment. It weighs the best part of 8 kilos when empty too it's just meh. o_O

Me old Dyson was an upright. Though I wouldn't mind one of the drag-along ones. :)


Cause my sister recommended one and we've had it for 3 years and the whole time the bagless container has been cracked the hose was torn rather quickly and taped up. So, after bitchfest summer 2011 I had to vacuum and the motor that powers the brushes broke so I got so pissed I tore off to walmart and got this sucker for $50 to hold us over to when the folks can get a better one. I threw(literally) the old one outside so it can't be used again.

The rage is because I was looking at a decent on from hoover for moms birthday and my dad nor mom would say yes or no about it, yet the family complains about how the other one was broken all the time.


Apologies, this weekend kind of sucked.

Potentially the Worst. Vacuum. Ever. We have a similar Bissel and it sucks ass. It was great for like the first month then the suction just...is gone. Not to mention there's like...more than just emptying the dust canister. You have to detach some vortex generating thinger and wipe the dust/dirt off that, you also have to pull out a filter container, pop off a filter, pull off the foam "prefilter" surrounding the actual filter, wash said prefilter (I think one also has to rinse the actual filter...i can't recall at the moment) and let it dry. :|

And that's not including the HEPA filter mounted on the side of the vacuum....luckily that lasts a long time.

Don't perform those steps regularly, and the suction just goes away, even with emptying the dust canister. Naturally no one else but me does more than empty the canister so yeah...not good. Even when i've cleaned all the parts, checked the hose that it uses...even though it's an upright vacuum it uses a hose...for everything... for clogs, (there are none, each time) suction is piss poor...it's appallingly bad. I can't do the stairs like a fucking normal person with the hose + "Turbo Brush" attachment because it generates no suction anymore. Instead i have to place the whole vacuum on each stair and attempt to move it around to get the stair clean.

I wish you the best of luck...seriously, you're gonna need it.

Ironically, this Bissell:

http://www.target.com/Bissell-PROlite-Mutli-Cyclonic-Bagless-Upright/dp/B002IBACDE/ref=br_1_23?ie=UTF8&id=Bissell PROlite Mutli-Cyclonic Bagless Upright&node=1041786&searchSize=30&searchView=list&searchPage=1&sr=1-23&qid=1312770518&rh=&searchBinNameList=target_com_category-bin%2Cstyle_name%2Ctarget_com_brand-bin%2Cprice%2Ctarget_com_primary_color-bin&searchRank=salesrank&frombrowse=1
that my brother got when he broke our old vacuum but took when he moved out, was the best goddamn vacuum I've ever experienced. I actually almost looked forward to cleaning it was that good.
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Well, I expect the filter thing cause it's normal with bagless, but the folks want bagless so that's what they got. I had to do the same thing the old one. I can barely do the stairs with this one because the hose is MAYBE four feet long with no elastication.
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I just want to say your vacums suck! :D
We have a canister vac from the 70's. It is powerful enough it has eaten my tank tops before.
While wearing them? :blink:
I'm getting one of those mental image things again.....MOOOOOOOOOM, make it stop!
Airline tickets to (and sadly from) Oklahoma. 29 days to go! :D

Damn, who needs a joined account these days?
Did you buy a couch to sleep on too? :p
Nah, one of the first things he got setup was the guest bedroom... <_<
One of the first things I bought, even before we moved in together! A "love seat" that pulls out into a "better than sleeping outside" bed.

EDIT: Dammit, hon, get out of my head!
I just want to say your vacums suck! :D

vacuum. Sorry. I just like the word. If I remember right, it's one of only two words in English that have two consecutive "U"s in them. The other is "continuum."
vacuum. Sorry. I just like the word. If I remember right, it's one of only two words in English that have two consecutive "U"s in them. The other is "continuum."

Can we go Latin and say vacwm?
Feel free. And also, feel free to let your kids get held back a grade when you teach them to spell it that way. :p
They let kids use chatspeak in school now, I doubt they would hold them back for using latin spellings.