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When & how did you start driving?


Apr 21, 2004
My first attempt behind the wheel of a car was as a 5 year old child.
Dad arrived home after work one evening and he had left the car running and popped into the house to get something. My cousin (also around 5 at the time) and I were piss-farting around in the garden. We are not sure whose bright idea it was, but apparently , I jumped behind the wheel, and my cus' worked the pedals. The car spluttered & bunny hopped straight into the wall at the end of the driveway, with my cousin's 7 month pregnant mum hanging on to the back of the car - she said she was trying to hold the car back!?! The car was a Beetle BTW.

After that, there was a lull, until dad started giving me lessons (12 years old). I could drive a manual car proficiently 18 months later, but the age of 14. If people are wondering how and where I got to practice (as a learner's permit is only issued after the age of 16 over here). Club level motorsport - motorkhanas and karting.
A father's friend of mine had a Volvo 340 rearwheel drive manual, we were 14 at the time and when his dad was away in his other volvo (V70 T5) we went driving with the 340, we had no experience with clutches and we had to learn it ourselfs, i think we practiced for weeks. Every weekend trying to figure out how to drive it. After a few weeks we found out how to use the clutch and we finally drove of the parkinglot. I wonder what the neighbours must have thought, a bouncing car with two kids in it. After we learned how to drive we drove to the (industrial terrain, how do you call that) and with a little bit of rain making burnouts and ploughing the nearby airfield.
12 years old, minivan, empty parking lot.

Still haven't learned manual though, although I've been practicing with my shifter+pedals on my computer (heel toe too).
I think I was about 16, in the middle of the night on "forest-roads".
Manual btw, I stalled the car once, not more!

16, last winter my cousin let me drive my aun't Pontiac Sunfire in an empty parking lot (not to mention there was a good 6 inches of snow on the ground) and after 2 mins I started to show him tricks like handbrake turns and 180's haha :D

A few months after I started to drive legally with my father but it's more boring :wink:

Now I can drive manual and I'll have my liscence in September, for my 17th b-day
My experience, a very boring: took lessons at 18, got my license at 19.
At the time (and perhaps this has changed) the law didn't allow people under 18 to drive (even to take lessons) in The Netherlands.
When I was 12, my Dad took me to a parking lot with my mum's mini.

I was sat on his knee and he worked the clutch & accelerator...

I did the steering and changed the gears...

We weaved about the garages at about 10 mph...

I remember it as if it was Yesterday.

Mini Traveller with wooden sides & 1.0 motor.

:) :) :) :) :) (desperatetely in need of a nostalgic tearfull smiley here :cry: )
When I was 15, my uncle let me drive his Jeep Cherokee V6 with an automatic gearbox... there was a sandy parking next to the house, and it was also my first drifting :)
At this time last year, I was still taking lessons. My road test would be in a month.

And I was 19 at the time.
Hmm...wait...what I said could have been mis-understood...

I was still taking lessons this time last year, and my road test would be in a month FROM THIS TIME LAST YEAR.

Not in a month THIS year.
I just started driving on March 19th of this year - I was 17, I'm now 18 since 15th of June and I've had 20 lessons. I hope to past by the end of this year and certainly before I'm 19.

No real exciting stories about any experience I've had of driving but I did ride a moped in India and that was when my uncle told me thats is clutch, brake and accelerator from left to right.
20 lessons? here it's 12... well you don't even have to take lessons if you don't want to :wink:
Renesis said:
well you don't even have to take lessons if you don't want to :wink:
MPower said:
you have to take 3- 2-hour lessons here.
That's it?
That's pretty scary, and that certainly explains a lot of incompetence that I see on the road :? .