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Where do you go to school/work???


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2005
Ottawa, Canada
Seeing as how most of the members of finalgear.com are within the age group of 18-25, where do each of you go to college/university or work?

I'm currently in the 2nd year of a 4 year Biology major at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Truth be told, I'm not doing so well in school. And I have Top Gear/Fifth Gear/BMI/Anime to blame for that :lol: .

So where do you guys go?
Iirc we had some similar thread long time ago, not with many replies though. Anyway.

University Maastricht, located in Maastricht (no shit :p ), The Netherlands. Doing Economics, 2nd year out of 3 year Bachelor programe. Major in Logistics.
I go to Aalborg University Esbjerg, in Esbjerg :p
5th semester of 7, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology

Ohh, and I work part time in a supermarked (crappy job, can't wait till I quit)
there is a thread about this...I think Jos made a "what do you do" I think ..

^^^ must have missed that one

I work at home as a web designer :thumbsup: I love making my own hours
University of Calgary

3rd year engineering (6 year program)
I work as a project manager at a Danish advertising bureau, been doing that since i finished buisness college little over a year ago.
I work Technical Support for Research In Motion (BlackBerry). I hate Tech Support and am trying to find another position within the company.
16 days, 20 hours from graduating with a bachelors of Computer Science, and then moving to the northern part of the state to start as a network security engineer, in February.
Senior year of Highschool now. Going to Lindenhurst Senior High School.

Planning on going to college for something in the biology field.

Not working right now. :)
Information Science, 7th semester of 9, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana

2 part time jobs:
- IT specialist at a consulting company
- IT specialist + running Purchasing and Sales at a trade and accounting company

Yeah, my days are sooo short :cry:
First year mechanical engineering at Ryerson University. I actually spent two years at York University but became bored over biology. Queens is a good school, Koenig. Ryerson is... a really cheap university. Hopefully I can transfer.
First year of Computer Science and Information Systems @ University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (Online courses).
4th year Aerospace Engineering Major at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach. I've got (hopefully) another year left, though I may go for my Masters or dual major in Mechanical Engineering.