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Where In The World Is..?

All of them.
Ah, I'm only now and then on the Ringmeet one. Explains it. Thanks.

Btw: How many telegram channels are there related to FG?

Way too many. But I guess it’s because the format of how we communicate has changed.
The final gear has not been reached yet, I fear.
No one's made a Coco's Balls Gear yet. There are BIGGER and BETTER and BALLSIER gears we haven't made yet.
Who knows when I'll be back again. I just found myself here while Googling old photobucket pictures of my first cars to show a guy at work.
I figured I'd log in and say hello.
I did most of my posting here when I was 16/17 and I'm 33 now.
Time flies.
R.I.P viper007bond. I've gotta read the thread and see what happened there.
But in any case. Anybody remember me?
I'm seeing a couple of familiar names.
Welcome back! I'm still here!

I had a bit of an experience like that when I re-opened my LJ and nuked all of the posts from orbit. I can't believe the way I rationalized away how horribly people were treating me back then.

Hence the nuking.

Ohhhhhhhh well! Hiiiii, current forum! :wave:

Hello 13 years ago forum that I managed to find. Oh the irony in seeing posts about trawling old forums while I trawled the old forums 🤣
Hello 13 years ago forum that I managed to find. Oh the irony in seeing posts about trawling old forums while I trawled the old forums 🤣
So glad to see you again! Hope you stick around. :)
So glad to see you again! Hope you stick around. :)

Oh, this is quite a bit of dust you managed to throw up, @brydie76 ! Good to hear from you!
Hello to both of you, nice to see familiar names! It was a very old post to unearth but found it quite funny, and definitely wanted to pop in again, it’s been too long! I don’t know how active I’ll be, life is hectic with a job and a toddler (!) but I’ll see how I go :). Hope you are both well, and hope there will be some other old friends I see as I pop in again!
Hello to both of you, nice to see familiar names! It was a very old post to unearth but found it quite funny, and definitely wanted to pop in again, it’s been too long! I don’t know how active I’ll be, life is hectic with a job and a toddler (!) but I’ll see how I go :). Hope you are both well, and hope there will be some other old friends I see as I pop in again!
Good to see you again and congrats to the toddler bit - @Posambique, D-Fence, @Lastsoul, @public, @loose_unit and me are in the same boat! We even did some dad lunches!