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where to download magazines


Forum Addict
May 26, 2004
hong kong
hey guys, are there sites to download magaziens as PDF or whatever? i downloaded some magaziens before but they dont relate to cars...
main reason i wanted to but a magazine called japanese peformance and it only cost like 2 oe 3 pounds and in HK they charged me like $100. crazy dont you think?
just go to the shop and free read...lol... never seen any places where you can d/l magazines
i bet if you could get food from the internet you'd download it without hesitation.

you are one big internet pirate :lol:
i've actually thought about doing this
but i hate reading on my monitor so
i'd have to print it in color at my school
jasonchiu said:
yeah so where do u download your magazines?
People don't download magazines. :? I download a lot of comic book scans, but I've never seen a full magazine scan online.
jasonchiu said:
ok fine...i downloaded a huslter pdf magazine though lol
Hahaha, that's a little different. :lol: People get creative when it comes to porn. :p I've never seen a scan of an car magazine though.
r u looking for a car magazine download? cuz dupont registry has theirs for free on their website. You need to type in an e mail though. http://www.dupontregistry.com/search/srCounter.asp?stattypeid=61&code=11&vm=vmclick&sessionkey={1CB1EB18-EC6C-4F50-8D5C-61DEA026EE96}