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Which Clarkson vid is the best??

Which Clarkson vid is the best??

  • Shootout

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No Limits

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Most Outrageous Ever

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • At Full Throttle

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

justin syder

Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2003
New York, USA
1986 Mercedes-Benz 300E
Which Clarkson vid is the best out of the group??

I like Shootout because it has nice cars and my 2 fav, the Zonda and SL. Also the bike/car that rides like a jet at the end of the vid was really nice, add the Continental GT and you got Clarkson's best vid yet.

which is ur fav?
Haven't seen all those, but No Limits is my favorite so far.
anyway I like all of them,lol, I havent seen any of them. But i'm am the biggest fan of Top Gear and Fifth Gear in the world, and I would love to see them.
Viper007Bond do you know where i can download them, will you have them on your new web site?
no limits can be aquired using bit torrent. thats how i got it, but i forgot the link.

some of those vids are on ppl's ftp or peer 2 peer networks, there are big, 250mb+ files so it might not be easy for u to get them all, let alone some from ppl.
I got the No Limit the Best 100 and the Head to Head on a fast http but where can I get the other ones without torrent?

I already got Head to Head (which is good ;-) ) and at the moment I am downloading Shoout-Out from Zonda?s FTP and No Limits via eMule/Overnet.

I've only seen the 100 Greatest Cars. It was really good but the music is horrible. I've been trying to get (download, not buy) Shoot-Out 2003 for about a week now, maily because I want to see a more detailed review of the RR Phantom, I was able to get the first four minutes or so and while it looked like it would be a great video, I was unpleasantly surprised to hear that same damned music! :( Why couldn't he use the Top Gear cover of The Allman Brother's "Jessica"? I could listen to that song all day.

BTW did anyone see that piece on Sniff Petrol about (fake) Christmas DVD recomendations a couple of months ago called: "Clarkson: Everything Explodes!" Funny stuff. :D
It's battle between Top 100 and Shoot Out. And the winner is Top 100. It has more cars, more laugh and I get mad when Jeremy dislikes Nissan Sunny :evil:
I haven't seen them all but I think the race between the 911 and R1 was rigged. They were pretty even coming into the final straight and then the 911 pulls a way?!?! I wouldn't put it past Clarkson.
pfff, i watched them all like 3 times, and still can't remember what they're about

cars, obviously :), but what aspect of them :?

i saw one of the car romantics series, and liked that very much, found it very interesting, so my vote would go to that
Most Outrageous Ever. I just like it so damn much. Gt40, Diablo, McLaren.. It has it all. 8) Top 100 is really good to. If Only he starts to pay the directors more money so that we can have more of his films like Speed. Speed just looks a lot better, BBC produced though..