SL65AMG~V12~604BHP!!!!!!! said:
haz said:
I've seen through (I think) most of my FG eps, and even
searched the forum for FG ep. guides, is there even one??
Anyways, Vicky was the presenter and they even gave one away at the end of the show.
Whats with you recently Haz? I'm reffering to this thread aswell:
Have you forgotten that this
site has a search function aswell??
Nothing is with me, chill out ...
I asked if anyone knew which episode of FG the Beetle was featured.
I had searched the forum for FG ep. guides, as I said, and looked through all my FG eps without any results. That's when I asked for help, and in my opinion those criterias are enough to ask for help!
So no, I have not forgotten that this site has a search button, if your had read my post, you would know that!!!
Stop being the FG wannabecop .........................