Why not Jerry Seinfeld?

I think Seinfeld would be a bad choice, he only likes Porches, that is all he is interested in.

Adam only likes early 70's Datsuns and late 60's Italians.
I think Seinfeld would be a bad choice, he only likes Porches, that is all he is interested in.

Mark Hammond anyone....

but yeah, Jerry, no, I like him, and think hes funny, but thats all he does, As goofy as the Original Top Gear hosts are, they still give insightful info about cars and know when to relax and make the show glorious when it needs to be, and are not just comedians, which i think seinfield would be.

I just couldnt see seinfeild for instance looking over the salt flats in Africa thinking, just beautiful, with out making some stupid joke that doesnt fit the scene. and even if he didnt, it still wouldnt fit.