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Why shouldn't you fill a balloon with acetylene?


Resident Skydiver
Jan 15, 2005
Qu?bec, Canada
Boring '02 Accent.
Because it can blow up your car and get you trouble with the law.


Do you have to die to be listed in the Darwin Awards, or just be a world class dumb ass like this guy ?
If you drive a car that ugly, well, what can I say...
LOL, my state in the news again. Funny shit. My old shop teacher filled his potato gun with acetylene once, boy that was fun! :lol:
What a dumbass. I've seen it done, but what moron takes it into a car?
<Simpsons Comic Store Guy Voice>

Could they beee any stupider?

</Simpsons Comic Store Guy Voice>
fbc said:
<Simpsons Comic Store Guy Voice>

Could they beee any stupider?

</Simpsons Comic Store Guy Voice>

Watch it buddy. Simpsons references can get the Anti-TGG Police to slap you mistankenly. :|
burnsy said:
you have to die to be in the Darwin Awards

You don't have to die to be in the Darwin Awards. Only remove yourself from the gene pool in the most idiotic way humanly possible. It's just that most of the time, people don't survive...and not to many people have been going around getting their balls blown off...
i need to see this darwin list....6 years sounds too harsh for such a mistake....he probaly failed his chemistry and didn't know what he was messing with :lol:
raheel_qamar said:
i need to see this darwin list....

I got a book which is full of darwin award candidates, and near misses. I'll see if I can dig it out and give you a few examples... :)

But it is proof of just how stupid some people can be.