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Why Texas didn't get looters...


Resident Skydiver
Jan 15, 2005
Qu?bec, Canada
Boring '02 Accent.
Crazy Yanks.
^^ Hehe, seems like I'm not the only one who had the urge to PS it. :lol:
which one is the A-team one? :?

A-team= a van, or a black dude with lots of gold chains, don't see either of them
DJ said:
watto said:
Crazy Yanks.

Aren't Yank(ee)s in the North?

Technically, yes. I was confused about that statement as well, but I just got back from taking the SAT so I didn't want to say anything. The correct thing would be:

"Crazy Rednecks."
Yanks is a term to describe Americans by foreign countries
In the states, it is used to describe anyone from the north east portion of the country

Oh and I'm from Texas and I don't own a gun and haven't ever shot one.
I am from Texas, I dont own a gun, but I HAVE shot a few. You don't know what you are missing. :D
^but you drive a pickup.. so you're still allowed to live in Texas, but just barely! :lol: