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world's most annoying song

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Forum Addict
May 26, 2004
hong kong
i have to say its a fat boy slim song that keeps saying"they dont know what is what. they jsut strut, what the fuck" i mean what the fuck kinda song is that it so fucking annoying jsut to listen to.

is there a more annoying song that you know?
the song that never ends. does that date me? lol
ok here's a challenge..download that song and listen to it in headphones for lets say 5 times. i bet you give up its jsut so fucking annoying!!!!
YOU are annoying ... ;) No, just kidding ... but the song is kinda annying-but why start a thread and whine about it?

You mean: "So I can moane" ... stop it ... it's annoying ;)

if i was a mod i would have locked this. :|
Well fuck this ain't a democracy!

well it is.. but only when I want it to be! :p
makes no sense to keep this going, why dont the other mods actually mod? :wink:
Dragoste din tei is an awesome song.

I don't know what they're saying, but I know the lyrics anyways. My-a-hii, my-a-hoo, my-a-haa, my-a-ha-ha!
you party-animal you 8) :?:

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