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Zenon's Photo Dump


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2004
Vancouver, Canada
I thought I'd post some of my recent photography to try and get some more activity into this thread. Most of it is just simple spur of the moment photography. Here goes.

1. Backyard Beasties and Foliage:




2. Mountainous



3. Randomness:

1,4 and 6th pics were my favorites. Nice stuff zenon! :D

what camera are you using again?
Renesis said:
what camera are you using again?

Canon Powershot S30

It's getting quite old, but it's still a great camera. :)
Jostyrostelli said:
that 4th pic looks like it was made with an additional lens?

Nope, standard lens. :)

It was taken in macro mode and I spent quite a while playing around in fully-manual mode to get everything set up perfectly. Also, there was no Photoshop work done at all on that picture (other than resizing and adding the border). Manual modes are life savers with digital cameras. :D
I agree, having a manual mode on a digital camera is really nice, the main reason why I bought the camera I have. Is there an interest for nature pictures? I like to take pictures of nature and landscapes as well, I could post some of my pics as well.
Nice shots zenon, I especially like #6 & #7.

As Go Low said, if there is any interest in nature/landscape type shots, I've got a few to share.
Go Low said:
I agree, having a manual mode on a digital camera is really nice, the main reason why I bought the camera I have. Is there an interest for nature pictures? I like to take pictures of nature and landscapes as well, I could post some of my pics as well.

go ahead and make a topic with your pics!