Optimus Maximus!

I don't even use the extra keys I already have on my cheap Logitech keyboard.....I'm more of a mouse guy and always access my programs from a docked link bar on the desktop.
OK. Now where do I find $1500 + P&P???

Such an awesome keyboard.
The idea of it is pretty cool, but the price is about at least 10 times too expensive.
^Well its not as if they could've made it much cheaper, with that many screens which are that small.
^Well its not as if they could've made it much cheaper, with that many screens which are that small.

I'm not saying that they could have cut the costs down, it's just that not that many people will be willing to spend $1500 on a keyboard. What I should have said was that the price was too expensive if they expect to sell any.
It looks snazy, but damned if I would pay that much for a membrane keyboard. Now if it was buckling-spring and under $300 I would be tempted (yes I have a Model M which I have been using for the past 16 or so years).
Though to be honest I don't see much utility in it, I type in both Latin and Greek alphabets on my US keyboards and I don't have a problem with hitting the right keys; but damn The Optimus Maximus looks cool.
It'd be cool thing to have, I could certainly make use of it in various graphics and video editors. I've no doubt it cost a lot to make but it ain't $1,500 worth of cool, not even if it came with preloaded key images of available Russian brides.
looks good and i believe it will work pretty well as well.

But..... unless you are uber rich or retarded, throwing 15clip on a keyboard is a pretty daft idea if you ask me. I can build another pc with that money.
Oh Santa....

Yeah right. If it cost about 1/10th what it does I'd be seriously tempted though.
that costs more then the last 2 cars i bought!
$1.5k for a keyboard is insane. I'm still using the HP keyboard that came with my first comp, even though all the commonly used keys are all worn out now.
For $1500 you could build a pretty sweet complete PC.....or buy one keyboard :lol: