Do you have a 'myspace' ?

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Feb 19, 2007
Melbourne, Australia
03' Classic Edition MX-5
Okay, here is my dilemma. Until very recently I thought people who had a myspace page were perhaps a little too "look at me!" for my liking. Well, I have since joined the fray of millions of myspace er...victims and now find myself enjoying the experience.

So the question is twofold. Do you have a myspace? And, when did you convert?

~ cheers
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Please use the search function before you make a thread. This is at least the tenth time a new useless myspace thread has been made.
no and we don't want to join your friends list

/me gets the prereq out of the way

I never understood myspace, crappy HTML template pages have been available for 10 years on geocity, what makes myspace so popular
Please use the search function before you make a thread. This is at least the tenth time a new useless myspace thread has been made.

Simple fix, how about you just dont click on the thread and read 'yet' another thread on the same subject matter, considering its title it was fairly explanitory anyway.

no and we don't want to join your friends list

/me gets the prereq out of the way

I never understood myspace, crappy HTML template pages have been available for 10 years on geocity, what makes myspace so popular

I didnt ask actually, but thanks for reality check. I have since removed the link from my first post for that reason.:lol: Back to the Question at hand though.

Do you have one? and When or why did you convert? I am curious as to why people have them, as now I have one, and I am wondering what the hell do I do with it now? :blink:
I am curious as to why people have them, as now I have one, and I am wondering what the hell do I do with it now? :blink:

MySpace is a popularity contest to see who can get the most "friends" and post as many self-playing videos/music on your page at the same time. You're even more hardcore if you can somehow break horizontal scrolling with your awesome HTML skills and/or make your text unreadable by tiling an annoying image as your background.

the answer is yes i have one
my girlfriend made me convert ... probably about 6 months ago

i dont use it, and i dont see the big deal about them either. Simple HTML and hundreds of adds ... i can go without
I technically have one, but only to keep up with high school buddies. It's unstyled and I literally never use it.
MY only space is MY room. Screw myspace.

It was only so that I could contact a friend I haven't seen for about 5 or 6 years now cos he didn't have an email address at the time, but I did a search and I did find him on myspace.

PS. It says I'm fifteen cos if I said I was 11 they wouldn't let me in, oh and I only logged on on the 9-6-07 to check if he had replied, but he didn't so I gave up and haven't touched myspace since.
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I find it a bit silly that you're trying to explain yourself! ;)

Would I get one? Not likely.
I have one... it has been a nice way to keep up with people, although I do not use it all that often.

There is some pretty cool music on myspace too, but I never have time to sift thru it all.
Yes, and I never use it. The only time I'll log on is when I get an email saying someone's commented on my page, which isn't that often. I've never been a big fan of any of those networking sites anyway, although I have a Facebook because, unusually for one of these sites, it's well designed, uncluttered and easy to navigate without having thousands of adverts and sparkly mouse trails in your face. I also use it mainly because a lot of my friends from school do, and it makes keeping up with them a lot easier now that everyone's gone off to university.
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