Good PS3 games to get?

I'll just say the game I loved the most on the PS3.

God of War 3 (1 and 2 were great but a bit old by now and they feel a bit slow, story line is awesome tho.
Uncharted 2
Dead Space 1 & 2 (I played both on the PC tho since I can't play FPS with a controller)

There are more but these are the ones that popped to my mind first so they're probably the best.
Bulletstorm looks pretty excellent from what ive seen online

Im currently getting demos off of the PS3 store for that, unchartered 2 and God of War III. Ill give em a blast tonight see which I like. Bulletstorm seems to have that Unreal Tournement feel to it (loved the original UT) and then I saw at the end of one of the demos I watched on YT, that EPIC games is on the dev list so I guess its no suprise its got the UT element.

Havent seen much of Unchartered 2, but from the sounds of it, it sounds great and is something the GF could probably get into as well.