I have never game

False. A few times.

I have never rear ended anyone.

I have never been in a head on collision.
True, i once got hit by a car while on a bike but that was more side on.

I have never head butted someone.

I have never hit someone with a mace

I have never been stabbed.
False. With needles.

I have never been stabbed fatally with a knife
True, unless I am posting from the afterlife.

I have never owned a gun.

I have never touched an aardvark

I have never seen the Red Arrows live.
False, Seen them at the Air Tatoo in RAF Fairford years ago.

I have never served in one of the armed forces.

I have never served in the Police.

I have never been under investigation.
False - people needing security clearances, I get investigated too.

I have never been head hunted
False, my old boss once came over to my dept to tell me of some praise a customer had given regarding my work.

I have never been a manager.
False. It sucks

I have never been the Chief Executive

I have never been the 'go to guy'