Motor Authority: "Top Gear ?professional? crashes Lambo"

The article contains the words "bashed up" in it. "Bashed up" in a spin is not trivial.

I think the point is that whatever did happen, damage or not, it happened under controlled circumstances where everyone involved was well aware of the risks. The Stig knows he could flip and kill himself, and the cameramen know they could get run over by the Stig.

Why? Because we have nothing better to do, no go make us some refreshment so that we may continue to define the gray area between an "off" a "crash" and a dipshit who throws a brick at your windscreen for no apparent reason, but will soon be soundly thrashed for it just the same.

I'll have crisps and beer, what do you guys want?

Why? Because we have nothing better to do, no go make us some refreshment so that we may continue to define the gray area between an "off" a "crash" and a dipshit who throws a brick at your windscreen for no apparent reason, but will soon be soundly thrashed for it just the same.

I'll have crisps and beer, what do you guys want?
I'll have a Newcastle Brown and a kebab, please.
OMG :shock:

These people really need to get a life if they don't have anything better to do than write stuff like that :rolleyes:

hey uk government is full of gimps like that, they have questionable job titles and equally questionable pay and pension and they have that littel to do that they must come up with down right stupid shit all the time to justify their exisitence

like meetings on what colour lamposts should be, and meetings on wether kids should wear hi-vis jackets in the school playground. makes me sick to know my taxes are paying for someone to basically be an idiot
hey uk government is full of gimps like that, they have questionable job titles and equally questionable pay and pension and they have that littel to do that they must come up with down right stupid shit all the time to justify their exisitence

like meetings on what colour lamposts should be, and meetings on wether kids should wear hi-vis jackets in the school playground. makes me sick to know my taxes are paying for someone to basically be an idiot
Shame they didn't use some of it to teach you on the use of punctuation or how to use the Shift key...
Shame they didn't use some of it to teach you on the use of punctuation or how to use the Shift key...

Give him some credit, they are at least complete thoughts and sentences. :p
I think the point is that whatever did happen, damage or not, it happened under controlled circumstances where everyone involved was well aware of the risks. The Stig knows he could flip and kill himself, and the cameramen know they could get run over by the Stig.

Oh no, absolutely. Don't get me wrong...I don't think that any crash, by any definition, which happens under controlled conditions should be the cataylst for "oh no, we shouldn't be doing this."

I mean, heck, movies would get pretty boring if we couldn't smash up cars in controlled conditions!

UGGG must we learn English here?

first off a crash consists of damage to the vehicle. if you simply spin out and cause no damage to the vehicle then it is not a crash. It is a spin out.:mad:

By some of these definitions then if you do a burn out its a crash. if you slam the door too hard it is a crash. :? were exactly do you draw the line of what is a crash?

So I will assume when I stall my motor and have to restart it I just had a crash to!:? :blink:

If it is crashed, then lets total it. And if it is totaled then give it to me as a 'wrecked' car. I will make sure to dispose of it correctly.

here is the definition of a crash from wikipedia

"a collision can be between two vehicles, a vehicle and a person, a vehicle and an object, two persons or a person and an object (and more if an animal is involved). It is an accident or even a disaster."

I know for a fact were I am the law clearly states for there to be a collision there must be at least 2 objects. and there must be damage to at least 1 of the vehicles in question. (how that would happen to only 1 car makes me wounder)
I'm Positive there are laws dictating this in other areas.

if you want a better definition call your insurance company. tell them you just had a crash were you spun out, caused no damage and want them to rectify the situation for you.
see what response they will give you. I am sure the people who offer free long sleeve vests will show up at your home in moments. :lmao:

I've been a high-performance driving instructor for a while now and have had my fair share of "offs" over the years. Generally, you kick up some dust and that's the end of the story. Sometimes you hit a particularly rough patch of ground and sustain some damage. I've seen simple offs turn into rollovers. I've even seen a couple of cars get airborne...Dukes of Hazzard style.

A high-speed off onto the grass (especially WET grass!) isn't something to take lightly.

Still, this is hardly newsworthy. An experienced driver pushes a car to its limits on a private circuit and has an off. Whether the car is damaged or not, no one is hurt. What's the big deal :blink:
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It all depends on how serious the crash was. If it was really as bad as they say it was, it is newsworthy. But if it was, like some of you say, just an off, Motor Authority should shut up.
Oops, forgot about that....:p
Well, speaking as the Stig, I didn't even notice the crash.....i was too busy listening to my "Learning Italian" tape :)
How about a we wait until we receive photo evidence upon which a crash can be declared to have happened...?