NCIS/NCIS Los Angeles

just seen on


It's the official cast photo for this season. I prefer this picture to what they brought out for Season Six.

I managed to catch most of "Broken Arrow;" once I finish watching the entire episode I'll post thoughts and hopefully the preview for next week.
I wouldn't really call it a lead in;

There were some mentions of Eli David but the episode mainly focused on DiNozzo and his dad. I think it would be a bit much having three episodes in November revolving around the same storyline. Yes, I know they do it in May but that's when those are the last new episodes you get to watch until autumn.

It was awesome seeing Bruce Boxleitner back on TV.

Promo for "Enemies Foreign"

I must say i really liked how they handled the Tony/Tony relationship.
SPOILER: Sneak peek from "Enemies Foreign"

ETA: the original video I posted may have appeared in a hinky fashion on the interwebs. CBS has issued a different sneak peek which now appears under the spoiler cut.

In other news, NCIS has brought in an (American) television icon for a guest role; Bob Newhart will appear in a January episode as a former medical examiner.
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A cliff hanger, you bitch. :D
I think very special agent Tony DiNozzo summed up this episode perfectly:
"Oh good, the Israelis are back."
CBS decided to fuck up with their promo... the end of the teaser last night it shows Ziva questioning Eli. No clue as to whether Vance survived, although it looks like there's a scene with Gibbs and DiNozzo in a hospital.

I bet that Liat is the baddie, just for the fact viewers may get to see Ziva go ninja on her arse.

Promo will be posted whenever the 30-second version is released.
And what about McGeek? Wasn't it him lying on the floor at the end?
It doesn't look like it, judging from the just-released promo. I'll spoiler it just in case:

This episode is also set to answer a popular question which involves Vance.
DanRoM is correct;
That was Amit Hadar, the Mossad agent played by The Mummy.

CBS has given us a sneak peek:

OK, that was a major disappointment. Just drawing some random never-been-seen-before guy out of the head as the solution to a two-part episode is on the same level as "modify the deflector shield frequency so their attacks will drain their energy supply" - lazy writing and basically a deus ex maccina solution.
The next episode will be "False Witness," airing December 14. It will also be the last new episode until January.
OK, that was a major disappointment.
I couldn't agree more. They wasted good opportunities on two fronts: to bring the Israelis back in a more important role (plus the "Ziva replacement chick" was just annoying) and to shed some light on Leon's past.
Promo for the Dec. 14 episode "False Witness."

I guess you can say this episode is a real turkey.
A new advert for Expedia, featuring a very familiar face:

Oh god, I almost pissed my pants watching todays episode :lol: