Random Thoughts....

I love Independence Day what other day can you be drunk, set of fireworks, almost lose fingers, and it is still funny to you and your friends.:lol:

New Year :p
Well... seems as if the rumour about our exam results being published online tonight was a dud. Someone said they'll be published at our school at 10 in the morning. The schedule says "no later than 4 PM tomorrow".

Hoping for a good result...

(what a way to reach my 5000th post...)
^I'm sure you did fine, you seem like a fairly intelligent young man. Unless however, all you brain power is used for knowledge of motor racing and motor racing history...:D
well I hate to put two posts in a row, but oh well.

My fellow Americans have a fun and safe 4th of July evening, may your fireworks display be grand, but no set your house ablaze, may you enjoy your beer, but without a hangover tomorrow, and may you enjoy your hamburgers and hot dogs like God intended.



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I sat out at my pool all day, went swimming. Next on the agenda: Fire pit with fireworks and Jones' soda and s'mores. Ah what a day!
Damn those different time zones! It's almost 3 a.m. and I can't fall asleep :(

Oh shit...I just realized I've passed the 2,000 post mark...
My parents just bought and want to know if I want it for my 21st (if not they'll keep it themselves) I've been looking for one myself but I've got a few inquires out at the moment





Enga-land Enga-land Enga-land, Enga-land Enga-land Enga-laaand! :p

I loved that part. :lol:
The British were fighting the Spanish, French and the Americans plus the Dutch at the same time - yes the Dutch, we always had trouble with the Dutch, damn good at sea. ...

Anyhooo it Bankrupted the French who the lost the monarchy, went through the revolution that eventually led to Napeloen, that we thrashed at Trafalgar and then again at Waterloo with not a little help from the Prussians and the Dutch (Thanks chaps) that led to best part of 100 plus years of peace in Europe - so thank you America.

That led to the consolidation of the British empire.
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Don't you have a tissue near by?
^Go outside and look towards the sun, works for me....
My parents just bought and want to know if I want it for my 21st (if not they'll keep it themselves) I've been looking for one myself but I've got a few inquires out at the moment

A Victorian age chronometer.


C'mon, this is a no-brainer.
Other random thought: Since I have been growing out my hair, and I already have a beard, I have been told I am starting to look like Obi Wan Kenobi.

Depressing thought: The next time the Lions play the Springboks, I'll be in my thirties... :(