Random Thoughts....

Hmm, I just checked the Snowbirds' site to see if their 2011 schedule was up yet. It is. Weird thing, it says they're coming to Winnipeg. The Winnipeg air show was cancelled indefinitely after 2004... I wonder if they're bringing it back (the sexy new airport terminal will be done by then, construction of it was the original excuse for cancelling the show) or if it's a mistake and they actually mean Portage like it has been, bianually, for the past years. I wonder...
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Maybe for you, but I am a penguin. I need AC for everything about 65.
I've been meaning to ask... is it legal for bikers here to weave in and out inbetween traffic like that? Because back in BC I think it isn't as nobody does it... or maybe Canucks are just that courteous. :p

Lanesharing is when you actually stay on one side of the line - the delta speed has to be less than 25 mph, I think? Heh, hey, it's definitely one way to beat the traffic that you otherwise have to sit in for another 3 hours. ;)
Got my ATAR score back. Much more lower than I expected. :|

:hug: But believe me, not the end of the world. If you don't get the course you want first up, try half year enrolment (there are usually spots after people have dropped out). The score means nothing after a year or two. And if you really want to do something, you will find a way.
Oh, I've already enrolled into an art program for a year and get 2 Cert 4s from it and at the end of the year, they prep you for foilos for uni and tafe.
Well that's totally cool then. Not a problem.

/rips hair out :p

Screw this.
It is what we have been seeing for the past few days. At least there you are not frozen for four months.

When it gets cold out, I start listening to a lot of Bob Marley and what I call "Park Avenue Jazz" 1950's mellow jazz from Monk, Parker, Coltrane, Brubeck and Guaraldi; I hate with a passion spazz jazz form the late 1960's - early 1970's. I do like Bossa Nova Jazz that came form that era, though, Like Cal Tjader.
Fark, bitches be touchy! :lol: This girl was wondering on Facebook whether she gets her year 12 results 'online as in like a website'? I replied 'nah, they hang them on your clothes line' ;) (ho ho ho). She goes 'wow you're funny I meant online as in a website or do they send them by email?'

*Sigh*...I let that slide and told her politely what she needed to know :p
53F out. That is far too warm, especially for december. :|
Due to the way my room works it feels like 80 in here.
OK. At least then I could sleep. I have Finals tommorrow :|
This torrential rain and heavy wind is annoying me. The fact that my building's heat hasn't compensated for the sudden rise in temperature it is not helping at all. New England is turning me into a complaining layabout. This must change.