The "Ban the Person Above You" Game

Banned for having gone of this before.
I found this in the internet and...

You are ALL banned for banning so much that they made this into an actual Xbox game.
Banned for asking a question I don't have tha answer to. I didn't make it.
Banned for being offline as of right now.
Banned for being offline as of right now.
Banned for being online as of right NOW!
Banned because I went on the Internet, and I found this:

(I'm sorry, Communications Minister Stephen Conroy has deemed this material unfit for consumption by Australians.)
Banned beacuse I'm at work and I daren't click on the toggle just in case
Well I'm banning him cus it's blocking stuff that Australians aren't allowed to see, but I'm not from Oz and I still can't see it. This is crap.
Banned...for having been on the forums longer than me but still having less rep AND posts than me.
Banned for not respecting your forum elders, no matter how many posts they might have.
:welcome: to the forums n00b.

PS - HA you can't say your my elder in real life either, I'm 17 as well :p
well vegasrebel29 is banned for being too close to the truth

and darkshark0159 is banned for being too serious

(and I'm hoping that the blacklist gets blacklisted. Parents should take more responsibility, not punish everyone else)
Banned for not seeing my humour, and because you're being serious yourself, thus hypocritical. Crap! Now I'm being serious. SELF BAN. OMNI BAN!
Double triple banned for missing my humour over your humour (political commentary aside).
Ban the world for everything "in the world"
Banned for not seeing the humour in my poking fun at your humour at you poking fun of my humour ZOMG I JUST CONFUSED MYSELF CRAP!

(there. some forced humour should be obvious.)
Banned for melting my brain
Banned user account since the person using the account had there brain melted and can no longer use these forums.
Banned for not posting their age and thus making me think you were really my ELDER in the real sense of the word! :p

(BTW: You may actually be older than me, that is if your birthday is before mine. :D)