The ^ < V Game

^ g'night Ash
< is going to have to find someone else to pester and annoy.
v is my next victim.
^ SAVE ME, ARMORED FURReeeoh, wait...
< Suddenly realized that his avatar can't actually save him.
V Would also like powered armor.
^ yes
< Wants Space Marine Terminator armour complete with Lightning Claws
V does not know the armour < refers to
^ :nod:
< just wants "sticks and stones won't break my bones" armour
v thinks < is silly
^ no
< is bored
< will liven things up for <
^ one banana two banana three banana four
< four bananas make a bunch and so do many more
v wants some of <s cherries
^ i love cherries, gimme some pretty please.
< long day at work, didn't help that the door was open and i ended up making a complete tit of myself later in the day. was glad it was over.
v had a better day.
^ depends on ^s definition of 'better'
< Friday!!! Weekend is almost here :dance:
v has longer to go
^ is still stuck in yesterday. Damn you Time Zones!
< fell asleep watching a film, now determining to watch the rest or just give up.
v isn't bothered just wants friday out of the way.
^ it's not about bothered, it's about deadlines
< needs to scoot or there will be trouble
v has ideas for better sorts of trouble
^ depends on how much trouble you want to get with the law.
< is jealous that ^ is getting their friday work day over with already. just want to get it out of the way and get to the weekend.
v is going to < to stop wishing time away.
^ Nope
< often wishes time away
V is also guilty of wishing time away
^too much of it sadly
< its the weekend... at last! wooooo!
v is already enjoying their weekend.
^ well, sorta
< now got to start packing and will be living on a farm for 2 weeks
v will help < move the hay
^ ok
< will get a pitchfrok and shovel
V will get a wheelbarrow
^ haven't got one, this may be farmer country but we don't have everything round here.
< have a pitchfork somewhere, from the time we ran the last stranger out of town.
v was that stranger.
^ <buzzer>
< Has never set foot in England.
V Thinks that's strange and that < is missing out
^ nope
< has never set foot in englandland either
v will give < some cream for <'s sunburn
^ ok here it's double cream, don't know if it will help for burns though
< is feeling mischeivous
V has an idea
^ is never mischeivous, i'm a good boy...
< just went to watch some Spartacus and just realised < accidentally deleted it a while back D'OH!
v can't hear because < is banging the keyboard at <'s head.