Ear ringing after concert... I hate myself for doing this...

Vector, you're completely right. My students union took great pride in their 10,000 Watt sound system and how loud they could make it go. The problem was that a 1000watt system would have been sufficient for the space they had. I couldn't go near the place!

It's not just concerts and the like, but I wear my hearplugs when I go to watch Ice hockey matches - They seem to delight in playing their music as loud as possible, and compared to the North American venues, UK ones are very small and you get nasty echos as well!

However I use my ear defenders for things like the WRC at the millenium stadium - not because of the cars, because there's always a damn speccie with a air horn right behind you!
OK, the ringing in my left ear was completely gone yesterday morning. I can't figure out if I'm just imagining it or if there still a high-pitched ringing in my right ear. I can still hear and birds and crickets chirp, the leaves rustling in the wind, a lawn mower in the distance, etc, so it's not overpowering any external noises. But, I also have a real stuffed-up sinus cold.

Am I just concentrating on it too hard?

Seriously: GO SEE A DOCTOR ASAP!!!

I didn't, and now I have a tinitus in the left ear, which is mildly annoying. After two weeks it is too late, the sooner you go there the higher the chances are to cure it completely (f.e. by flushing the ear with Cortisone etc.). And you can't lose anything by getting it checked, can you?
D-Fence, can you describe your situation in a little more detail?
No, I have the same Tinitus as you. As soon as there is the slightest amount of noise present it leaves my consciousness, but when it's time to go to sleep you hear it very clearly. That's why people with strong tinitus use white noise generators to mask it.
I can hear it when I'm sitting at my computer, lying to bed or any time there is very little other noise around.
I guess I'm in the medical field, so I should make a comment on this topic. Seeing that a significant amount of time has passed since your concert (Sept. 5th), I would in fact recommend that you go to a drop-in clinic today. It's free, doesn't take long, you have nothing to lose. If it's in your head, then we all have a small happy chuckle at your expense but if it's not, then it's good to catch it now.

Many of my friends are DJs and I go to a lot of shows, but we always wear earplugs. Nothing special, just the normal ones that they sell for 0.50$ on campus bookstores, etc. Those usually suffice.
Thanks, it's good to hear from someone with training on the topic. I really think the ringing in my right ear is from my clogged sinuses, since it only started on Monday as my cold was getting worse, but I think I will see a doctor anyway, just in case.

We don't have a drop-in clinic in my small town, but, being a small town, I can usually get clinic appointments pretty quickly -- probably tomorrow.
It's Tinitus, bear with it. I had the exact same conditions and line of thought when mine started, down to the cold.
^ And? Did it resolve on it's own? How quickly?

I have made a doctor appointment for today just to be sure.
OK, so I went to the doctor's today. He says that I've got wax clogged in the ear and told me to get some Cerumenex Eardrops and see him again in three days. I hope this does the trick!
No it didn't go away. Hope it does in your case though.
I've only ever been to three concerts in all my 21 years. The first two were large venues in which I was seated a fair ways back. Yesterday, I attended a small, outdoor venue where there was no place that wasn't close to the speakers.

As I expected, my ears felt like they were full of cotton for a little while afterward (and still do, but only a little bit), but my left ear has been ringing ever since.

Someone please give me good news about this. I will go insane if this is permanent.

It's more severe damage but will probably improve slowly.
Well, I went back to the doctor for a follow-up appointment today. He washed a crapload of impacted wax from both of my ears (seriously, there were all sorts of little pebbles of ear crud in the container afterward).

As far as I can tell, my right ear still rings. What I can't tell is if it's always been this way and I'm just thinking about it too much.

My sinus cold is still pretty bad; sore throat and everything (tested and negative for strep)
You will get used to it pretty quick, the first few weeks are the hardest after that it's just background noise.

I always keep up a good background level of music or tv so it doesn't annoy me a bit.
Oi...the same ringing in my left ear returned yesterday evening, just before I went to bed. It was gone this morning :?
How did it repair?

How did it repair?

Epp_b, I have just experienced that exact situation, impossibly loud club speakers focussed on my right ear, now it's ringing like anything. :( I was just wondering what might have happened with your case after that time? I'll definately think about picking up those "hear plugs," I really don't like the thought of any damaged senses.

Thanks in advance!
I shot a .30-30 rifle with no ear protection once. Only once.

My ear rang for a solid week.
With sound systems, people really do go overboard. I mean, I had a 140w guitar head. Useless. I mean, with an efficient speaker 1 watt will easily keep uo with a drummer.
Epp_b, I have just experienced that exact situation, impossibly loud club speakers focussed on my right ear, now it's ringing like anything. :( I was just wondering what might have happened with your case after that time? I'll definately think about picking up those "hear plugs," I really don't like the thought of any damaged senses.

Thanks in advance!

By now, I barely notice it, if at all. Definitely buy a set of Hearos or something, they're awesome.
You're lucky it went away, I've only been to ~10 concerts and roughly the same number of local shows (not nearly as loud as the concerts) and I've got very noticeable tinnitus. But it's my own fault for not taking care of my ears!