Don't steal an apple from the market and then complain if it contains a maggot......

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OK so I've avoided commenting on this thread so far - mainly because I wanted to see how it developed but also because I was trying to get my head around what I thought.

My initial reaction was 'spot on, great post, feel the same' in fact I +repped mineworksfine with a comment along those very lines.

However, a little bit later and a few things strike me.

Not everybody that watches the show from outside the UK is watching it through 'alternative' means - although I'd wager the majority of people on this forum HAVE watched it through alternative means.

Otherwise they wouldn't be able to comment on the show a few hours after it has aired in the UK (given that most places showing Top Gear are at least one series behind).

But that isn't the end of the world - I personally believe that the sign of a strong online fan base (even one that downloads the show for sod all) can help lead to networks purchasing the show in more parts of the world (and in fact that has proved to be true).

And if you then also watch the butchered version of the show on that network (or at least subscribe to the network) then you are contributing to the BBC.

If you then also buy the magazine, DVDs, books, t-shirts, cakes and every other bit of top gear milking thats taken place - you're contributing to the BBC.

I think that qualifies you to have a say - however - when you have that say you need to keep something in mind.

Because of the unique way the BBC is funded :) the Top Gear TV production (with the exclusion of Wilman and Clarkson who get it in their own pocket not the show budget) doesn't see ANY of the commercial money.

It goes into BBC Worldwide who return a sum of money every year to its only shareholder (The BBC). It is actually possible that this might change in the future - there is talk of giving Channel 4 (commercial not for profit network owned by the British tax-payer) all revenue from BBC Worldwide to help it continue to produce public service content.

But that doesn't mean you shouldn't have a say.

What you need to keep in mind really is the fact that the BBC (and by BBC I mean TG production crew) need to produce a show for the British Domestic Market and CANNOT think about or alter that show to make it easier to sell overseas or relate more to an international audience.

They CAN produce extra bits of content and segments for an international audience but BBC Worldwide would have to lease the studio and production time from the BBC for that (I imagine).

They have to create something that is what the British audience wants, what meets the licence-fee payers taste (and top gear attracts a shocking wide range of viewers).

Just my thoughts.

Comment away - if I don't like what you've got to say or disagree (I prefer the entertainment stuff to the car reviews) I can read it, disagree and then comment that I disagree - you can then reply and we have a conversation going - and hopefully a lively debate.

But if you've got less than 5 posts and all of those 5 were today on more or less than same shitty subject AND you don't reply to the threads you created yourself - I reserve the right to call you a... Anyway - time for bed.
Now, I've read the entire thread (up until the time I went to post this), and most everyone seems to be missing the point of Mineworksfine's original post.

What I got out of it was that constructive criticism by well-known, and good-standing forum members is acceptable, but noobs who come along and register just to post 'ZOMG! WTF WUZ T4HT CR4P?!?!?!' and 'LAWLZ TEH LATEST EPISODE WAZ TEH GREATEST EVARRRR!!!1!' gets old quickly and he would like it if there was a way to keep it from happening. So that means that Mercury, Ford Prefect, Brother Michael and whoever else I missed, y'all can share your critcisms as you see fit, just don't become a 4-year-old noob overnight. :lol:
Mineworksfine said:
blahblahlbhalhbalhbalhb i suck

Do you fucking realize there would be no if there were no people who are committing the horrible crime of downloading a copy of the show? Get the fuck out already.
MineWorksFine- Leave, or shut the fuck up. Your choice. The last time I checked, you don't run the site, nor do you contribute anything useful to this community.

FinalGear and it's members are known to all for bringing this show to the public- bringing it from a unknown show at the beginning, to something that hundreds of MILLIONS across the world watch and love.

This forum is for ALL fans across the globe to discuss what they love/hate about Top Gear, and it will stay that way.
More precisely: you're not the target audience, so your opinion is worthless.

Seen quite a few posts on here complaining that the SIARPC is someone they don't know, or they can't even understand an accent. Well tough.

Although I'm also a criminal who watches the show i most say that I'm not a fan of any strong accents in any shows.
When i watch a show here and there comes some Bavarian or someone from Cologne i hardly can't understand a thing, I hate it. And when it's public service TV these people should at least try. Or add subtitles as they really do in some really extreme cases *lol* (must be humiliating somehow)

Okey, i'm not an native English speaker and haven't even been in a English speaking country for more then 5 days so i really can't complain at all when i don't get sth.

But when i see native English speakers not understanding it think that sucks.

Just when some of the British come from the same Nest in the same countryside where people seem to communicate like that :p they shouldn't be so offended by the fact that it's not that easy to understand :lol:

As for me: I'd pay for TG if there was sth like an subscription or pay per view if that was possible.

But there isn't just any possibility :p

Anyway... i don't understand why criticism should not be legitimate just because the subject isn't directly aimed at yourself.

People criticize others peoples issues all the time. Georg Bush for example... Whole World is/was complaining and when it comes to the point it only the Americans task to do that and they also have to pay for it.

That sticks pretty good to your argumentation in the beginning post. But I've never heard anyone complaining about that.


Will watch another episode of TG now :p
dont be a commy, if people dont like something why sould they not speak up, host of us get top gear in our own coutries on free to air or payed tv soall most of us are doing is seeing it a bit earlier then we other wise would. and our countries networks pay the bbc's arse to have them. so i got news for you just because you pay a tax to watch tv does not mean that you own top gear, take your rant somoewhere else and stuff yourself. By the way i have never complained about top gear, i just take offence to your commy attitudes, were else can people talk about not being happy with something that is one of the great things about the internet "free speach"
Mineworksfine you must hate Viper007Bond than. Not only has he allowed for the whole of Top Gear to be "stolen", but he also set up this forum which allows those not from the U.K to comment on the show.

I didn't commission the creation of the Aeneid, nor was I the target audience, but I have commented on it in classes I took while in Uni. Does that make me a thief as well?

You shouldn't need to be sanctioned by a government body in order to express an opinion on something. If I want to bitch about Top Gear I have the right to do so. The only requirement being that if I want to do so here I must do it in a civilized and well thought out manner (well for the most part ;)).

As for the trolls that join the day of the episode, there is a solution, ban everyone under 50 or so posts from posting in the episode threads.
I've just skimmed through the thread and i'm just confused.
Yes, I agree almost entirely with mineworksfine about how everyone rants about TG in an unorderly fashion (I said it myself with TGA also) and people get the red after their first post. BUT...

Everyone is free to their opinions, that's why the internet sort of exists for that puppose. Downloading Tg from the internet meaning that you're a thief? No. Most people just choose not to use 700MB a week to watch it.
It's an internet forum, for godsakes, not your house. If you don't like what you read, don't read it, and trust the admins to sort out the garbage (or let them know).

Making a thread complaining about complainers is just adding to the pile.
What's sad is I WOULD pay for top gear but I have looked for season box sets and found they don't exist. Because of my crap connection it would be a lot easier to buy episodes than pirate them.
You guys have to pay for television? Is anything free there?

The bottom line is Top Gear airs here in Australia for free. For a while, when the earlier seasons aired anyway, SBS didn't even have commercial breaks.

TV shows don't make money the same way as films. SBS pays the BBC for the rights to air Top Gear here in Australia, so long as SBS continues to buy more seasons, the BBC isn't losing a dime. Its not like the ratings are falling either - TGUK continues to be one of SBS's most highly ranked programs.

Also, in Australia it is perfectly legal to record TV shows and keep them indefinitely for private use.

Finally, internet fans like ourselves would generate more direct income for Top Gear than people who watch the program on TV due to the fact we are the ones who constantly visit the official website which generates income through their online advertising.
Mineworksfine you must hate Viper007Bond than. Not only has he allowed for the whole of Top Gear to be "stolen", but he also set up this forum which allows those not from the U.K to comment on the show.

If I want to bitch about Top Gear I have the right to do so. The only requirement being that if I want to do so here I must do it in a civilized and well thought out manner (well for the most part ;)).

As for the trolls that join the day of the episode, there is a solution, ban everyone under 50 or so posts from posting in the episode threads.

I have great respect for Viper and the excellent resource that is, and as I said in the OP I have no problem with how people watch the show but was simply pointing out that technically downloading it could be viewed as theft fom a license payers perspective, a point on which I should perhaps have been a bit clearer.

The thread stemmed from my frustration at the same old topics being posted by new members who always seem to come up with the same three of four issues at the start of each series run.

Your suggestion is an excellent one although if I may could I suggest an alternative? New members only able to start new threads after (say) 50 posts, that way they have a chance to get a feel for the forums and how they work before opening up new topics for debate.
As for the trolls that join the day of the episode, there is a solution, ban everyone under 50 or so posts from posting in the episode threads.
That is a bit unfair. I've lurked here for a while and joined specifically to talk about the TGA episodes. I stay away from the TGUK episode threads because by the time I see the episodes everything has been said already.

New members only able to start new threads after (say) 50 posts, that way they have a chance to get a feel for the forums and how they work before opening up new topics for debate.
This is much better and it might encourage people to actually do some work for themselves.

I get sick of all the fanboy posts in the episode threads as much as I get sick of the posts about "the other crap". Its the same old shit just on different sides of the fence.
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I have great respect for Viper and the excellent resource that is, and as I said in the OP I have no problem with how people watch the show but was simply pointing out that technically downloading it could be viewed as theft fom a license payers perspective, a point on which I should perhaps have been a bit clearer.

Don't you know that the TG crew comes in here and reads our opinions? I think they know that this forum helps bring TG to fans that never would have known about it.
The producer have said in his blogg that we should download it and that what we think matters

And please don't assume that downloading a TV show is illegal because in Sweden it isn't.
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I don't care if it's obviously scripted...well I say obvious. I didn't think of it until the comments on Final Gear. If it's entertaining me, I can't complain. ^_^
I pay for BBC World!
Lets leave the money out of it. TG is being re-broadcast in about 30 countries, for which the local broadcasters are paying the BBC for the privelige, and making their own money from advertisers, subscribers, government, taxpayers etc (or a mix of these). So, yes, judging by the little flags next to the torrent peers, most of the people downloading are also ultimately paying for it as a taxpayer, subscriber and/or consumer. They just get it a little earlier and in it's original format than they would from their local TV provider. We can just bow, give thanks and appreciation to those kind souls who use their own time, technology, bandwidth (thus ultimately paying out their own $) to share it with others.

Ultimately, yes, I agree with the message. The internet is here for all to voice an opinion (like this one), but if you truely hate it, cannot stand to watch it, and post the one liners whinging about it, you know where the door is, and you can go and download something else that you like better. This is choice. If you want to have a constructive dialogue, whether in the positive or negative, welcome to you. Doubly so if you can do it with a sense of humour. This is freedom of speech.
You guys have to pay for television? Is anything free there?
Since the first toilet turnstiles were put up about ten years ago that turned "spending a penny" into "spending 20p", the only thing that's still free in the UK is breathing. Word on the street is that Tony Blair was working on implementing a Breathing Tax in 2009, before was forced to step down as PM. The real reason for this all along was that Gordon Brown, who would still have been Chancellor at the time, would have been hit by this tax more heavily than anyone else, so as soon as he became PM the whole idea could be swept under the carpet. Rumours that Gordon Brown is planning an Eyebrow Tax are unconfirmed.

And please don't assume that downloading a TV show is illegal because in Sweden it isn't.
And if AstraZeneca weren't going to close their operations in Sweden I would find myself moving there. Maybe I still will if there are jobs going. Does anyone have a "Teach Yourself Swedish" course that could instruct me on a bit more than Finntroll and Thyrfing lyrics?
Now, if you live outside the UK and are not a TV license payer and are therefore watching downloaded torrents of the show you have in effect committed THEFT and are watching illegally.

Depends on where you live..

Besides, Top Gear would never have gotten all the fame it has without internet downloading, even the makers of the show understand that. Ofcourse, pure ranting isn't helping anything, but constructive critiscm is always appropriate.
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