Cops kill boy with fake gun, after they are told it was fake

My State, once again in the news......I see the family has contacted Mark Nation (one of the attorneys that advertise on TV)....perhaps they plan on filing a lawsuit.

Not related to this story...but something else that happened in florida a couple of days ago...

In fact, not too long ago there was a similar incident here where a homeless man was killed by some punk kids
And this is why they stress comunication in the military. A break down in comunication can have deadly results, just as this story shows. Yes, the boy's dad told a police officer or several that the gun was fake, but the news obviously never reached the squad inside the school...a very unfortunate lesson that they will hopefully learn.
Fucking idiot kid. He deserved exactly what he got, which is apparently what he wanted. Suicide by police.

The 15-year-old boy shot by police while brandishing a pellet gun in a middle school bathroom was clinically brain dead Saturday but was being kept alive to harvest his organs, his family's attorney said.

At least something good came of this.
Kids are stupid, you have no idea what was going on in his head, this could have been avoided. How would you be in a position to sit there from behind your keyboard and judge what he deserved? kids do stupid things.
Re: Cops kill boy with fake gun, after they are told it was

Re: Cops kill boy with fake gun, after they are told it was

zenkidori said:

So sad.
he got what he deserved IMO
Some young (probably confused)kid acting out endangering nobody deserved to get shot? That's pretty fucking heartless right there.
zenkidori said:
Some young (probably confused)kid acting out endangering nobody deserved to get shot? That's pretty fucking heartless right there.

I'm going to have to agree with Zenkidori here... True the guy wasn't actually applying to MENSA with his antics, but to kill him for that? I dunno.
mmap said:
zenkidori said:
Some young (probably confused)kid acting out endangering nobody deserved to get shot? That's pretty fucking heartless right there.

I'm going to have to agree with Zenkidori here... True the guy wasn't actually applying to MENSA with his antics, but to kill him for that? I dunno.

X 3
"I'm going to kill myself or I'm going to die somehow," Eslinger quoted the boy as saying. "He refused to even comment. All he said was his first name. He did not drop the firearm."

The student eventually exited the bathroom and pointed the gun at his own head and throat. When he "raised the firearm in a tactical position and pointed it" at one of the SWAT team members, the officer "decided to use deadly force," Eslinger said.

"From what the deputies explained to me, (the teen) was suicidal," the sheriff said.

What the hell did he expect would happen? The police did what they needed to do, and now he's a proud organ donor.

Darwin wins.
The whole point is they didn't need to do anything. The kid was in need of counseling, not shooting. If you were never depressed or confused going thru adolescence(assuming you are there yet) then you are a very strange person.

A big case for LTL if I've ever seen one.
Didn't need to do anything? If a person is holding what, by all appearances, is a real gun at you in a firing position, you shoot him. End of story. The police officers had no way of discerning whether it was real gun or not. If you point a gun at the police, you're going to get shot. It's that simple. Everyone knows that. Yes, the kid needed help, but he chose the wrongest, stupidest way to express it, and now he's dead. Unfortunate, but I fully blame the kid for getting himself killed.

Bottom line? They didn't shoot him for being a depressed adolescent, they shot him for pointing what appeared to be a loaded gun at an officer.
So what if the father said his "child didn't have a real gun?" How were the police supposed to verify whether the kid had a real gun or not? Ask him? The gun had been modified to look even more like a real gun, in fact it was specifically modified by the kid to remove the identifying colour that marks airsoft pistols as non-lethal weapons. The police had no way of verifying the authenticity of the gun, whether the father said it was fake or not. For all the police knew, the kid could have found a real gun on the way to school that morning.

Once the kid pointed the gun that he had modified to look like a real one at the police, his fate was sealed.
Yeah, I have to agree with berserker. If I were the police officer, and had a gun pointed at me, I would shoot first and ask questions later, especially if the person holding the gun hadn't responded to commands to put the gun down. The father couldn't have been 100% certain the gun was fake, for all the officer knew, he could have dumped the fake gun, and found a real one at one of his friend's houses. If I were the police, I wouldn't have put my life on the line to find out whether the gun was real or not.

It should be fairly obvious if you point a gun, real or fake, at police, you won't be walking away from the situation. I don't hold the police responsible, whether you like it or not. Yes it's sad it happened as it did, but if I were in the police officers shoes, I would have made the same decision.
zenkidori said:
Some young (probably confused)kid acting out endangering nobody deserved to get shot? That's pretty fucking heartless right there.
i'm not being heartless. the kid had a gun and was pointing at the cop, even though it was fake. the kid could've been lying! Would YOU lower your gun just because the kid says its not a real gun? he was pointing it at the cops for gods sake...
Ok, he may not have deserved to be killed, but it was atleast inevitable.
zenkidori said:
It was niether inevitable or deserved. If any of you had close family in law enforcement(not just beat grunts) you may understand.

I have a very close friend and his father whom are both cops. If one of them got shot because they lowered their gun to see if the kid had a toy gun or real gun they would be dead. Would you take that risk? It is your life or theirs. The father prob said that it was fake but would you trust his words? All it takes is a split second and you are dead, a hesitation etc. It is a gamble police officers cannot take. The kid was obviously stupid and it serves him right for risking the lives of his classmates and his own over a dumb stunt.

He should have just drowned in his bathtub or shot himself if he wanted to kill himself. Do it behind a rock you selfish fuck, don't involve others in your actions.
You people are not getting the point. When SEVERAL witnesses tell you the gun is fake, including one who touched it it is your responsability to let the rest of the officers involved know, ESPECIALLY with a juvenile. THAT is the real issue. If the cop didn't know there was a large possability it was fake then nobody can blame him, but they can blame the chain of command for not giving out VITAL information. Any cop that has made it past walking a beat knows this.