Forum Suggestions / Issues

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Yes, I just received the mail for ashspet's post. :)
Thanks PacketCollision and others - everything seems to be working fine again :)
OK, I've finished upgrading our load-balancer, and everything should be working properly again. Please let me know if you notice anything amiss.
Random question: is there any way in vB for posts from a user on the ignore list to be completely skipped in the thread display? As in "completely hidden", with no option to unhide the posts? Or is this the immutable ignore list functionality in vB?
There was a greasemonkey script that worked for pre 4.0 vBulletin, but doesn't anymore. Maybe someone could contact the author or modify the existing script.
The "Go to first unread post" button seems to take me to the end of that post's page and not at the post itself. I've noticed this on several PCs.
Removed his signature.
Viper: is it possible to adjust the [video] tag to include the t=xx modifier for youtube?
Viper: is it possible to adjust the [video] tag to include the t=xx modifier for youtube?

Possible? Probably. Easy? Not sure...
As April 1st is long gone, i'll complain now: Most of the custom smileys have started to blink in the worst possible IE4 passion.
Do a forced-refresh of a page that has them (ctrl-F5) and see if that helps.

Did not help. This little bugger here:
keeps blinking, for example.
Once again I don't receive a mail when somebody replied to a subscribed thread. :(

Additional, sometimes when I post something I get "503 Gateway timeout" but the post is generated when I go to the thread afterwards.
Looks fine to me. :dunno: What browser are you using?

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; de; rv: Gecko/20110323 Iceweasel/3.5.18 (like Firefox/3.5.18)
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