Head of IMF Dominique Strauss-Kahn arrested in New York

Why do they always start a civil case, when they failed with the criminal charges?

"Hey, I failed with getting you to jail, so at least you can pay me for the expenses I had sueing you!"? Yeah, that's believable.

Well, that is what happens here and the American legal system is similar, though probably varies state to state.

Don't really understand it myself, but it goes something like
"the burden of proof is lower" from a civil court point of view.

The whole thing also gets into "the damage to" personal reputations from both parties, as you may imagine.

Could be the last you hear about the incident is that the parties have settled "out of court", with confidentiality clauses.
Sadly another case that's more about the media circus, than justice.

Hard to see how there could have been a fair trial after most of the media coverage has been in contempt of court, but hey that doesn't matter. Free speech seems to be more important than seeing justice done right.