Jeremy Clarkson quizzed by police after he tackles gang of hoodies

So upper class is strictly inherited money?

I consider a "upper middle" income to be the $80,000(USD) a year and up, when you hit several hundred thousand, or even several million, you're just filthy stinking rich.
So upper class is strictly inherited money?

I consider a "upper middle" income to be the $80,000(USD) a year and up, when you hit several hundred thousand, or even several million, you're just filthy stinking rich.

$80,000 is only about ?40,000 - In that case I almost fall into Upper Middle Class and I'm a LONG WAY from that - I'm comfortably middle class at best.

I'd consider Upper Middle Class ?1 million plus per year.

?40,000 is just middle class at best.
So upper class is strictly inherited money?

I consider a "upper middle" income to be the $80,000(USD) a year and up, when you hit several hundred thousand, or even several million, you're just filthy stinking rich.

Like I said, lords, aristocratic land owners that have sway in parliment and the like, and they don't necessarily have a lot of money. Bill Gates is middle class (at least by British definitions, the only ones I know).
"you give the teacher in charge immunity from criminal charges. And a sub-machinegun."
Like I said, lords, aristocratic land owners that have sway in parliment and the like, and they don't necessarily have a lot of money. Bill Gates is middle class (at least by British definitions, the only ones I know).

Like Richard Branson. Class is not so much determined by how much money you have now but rather how much you had when you were born.

Branson's kids could, for example, theoretically be called Upper Class when they are adults because they were born of title unlike dad that was born with none. It's the whole silver-spoon-in-the-mouth thing i think. It would be the same for Gates if they did that in the US :D

The unfortunate difference in the case with Jeremy is he is famous...... normal people, if not attacked first, would have been thown straight in jail first. It's stupid and i blame the whole "i'll sue you" culture of the American legal system that basically started the whole political correct cycle. People would find the smallest reason possible to take people to court because they knew the outcome could make them millions.
This is quite relevant to me, because I am 15 and going through schooling in the UK and yes i do were hoodies etc. But I have to agree with Jeremy, the problem with thugs (dont call them "Hoodies" because not all hoody wearers will stab you on sight) is that they hold back learning for others in school. They sit there assing about and it means everyone in that class is losing education. Class especially for the socially retarded would be brilliant. Jeremy for Prime Minister.

EDIT: I remember my History teacher putting a quote up on the board, it said how teenagers were vile, disgusting and dirt criminals and terrorists. Then he told us that it had been written by some ancient greek! Some things never change.
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So upper class is strictly inherited money?

I consider a "upper middle" income to be the $80,000(USD) a year and up, when you hit several hundred thousand, or even several million, you're just filthy stinking rich.

$80,000 is only about ?40,000 - In that case I almost fall into Upper Middle Class and I'm a LONG WAY from that - I'm comfortably middle class at best.

I'd consider Upper Middle Class ?1 million plus per year.

?40,000 is just middle class at best.

You guys are comparing apples and oranges. One's standard of living is determined not only by money, but what country you live in and in what part of that country you live in. So yeah, $80,000 is only about ?40,000, but what is available with those 80 grand in the US is going to be different from what is availlable in the UK. Also, in let's say, Southern California, 80 grand isn't all that much, but somewhere out in the mid-west it will be.

Class is not determined by the amount of wealth someone owns, and is actually a more complex issue than most people make it out to be.
Money has very little to do with class, as in money cannot buy class. I'm sure all of you have heard that before. I'm very proud of the fact that I come from a Russian family which wasn't rich by any means, but I still had the proper upbringing, was taught mannerisms which have opened a lot of doors for me. This impressed people here in US who think that class comes with money, but it's the other way around. Does money lead or does money follow? Think about it.

It is sad with what happened in Nebraska. I'm warning all of you no matter what country you live in - we are becoming a cold selfish society, and we're starting to emulate the selfish and arrogant behavior of our leaders. We must, no matter what, preserve humanity, value of life (of all things living - not just humans), honesty, and honor. Otherwise we'll collapse.

This guy was abandoned, and when he caved in under the pressure he went nuts. I think he had psychosis which was probably hidden deep within his personality, but nevertheless it got triggered. As for gun control, well I hate to say that I don't care, but if you want to have your guns, fine, just expect an occasional school, church, or a mall shooting. I think we're making it too damn easy to obtain guns, who knows if he was faced with an option of only using a pipe bomb, maybe he'd have backed down from the challenge of putting one together.
This impressed people here in US who think that class comes with money, but it's the other way around. Does money lead or does money follow? Think about it.

No actually in the US it does, money is class. Your class: "lower, middle, upper" is strictly a reflection of your income. Someone can be middle class, climb his way up the corprate ladder and BOOM, he's upper class now. We sort of have a tradition of avoiding titles and any kind of honored bloodline, you know... revolution against the crown and all that.
..... WHAT?!?!?!?!?!??!?!!?!?!?

What the hell does upper class take then, if not actual royalty!?

Basically if you don't have a title such as Lord then you are not upper class. You don't have Lords and the like in the US so obviously you have to give a different definition to upper class.
If you are upper class your house will look like this


and you will not have bought it, you will simply have inherited it or married into it.
Not to be political and all but it's those same gun laws that caused the nice little massacre today in a shopping centre. It's also one of the reasons the US has the highest level of gun related crimes in the western world and also the highest gun related deaths.

People don't beat you up a little to get your wallet they shoot you dead and then loot the corpse, I think I'd prefer a chance to fight back instead of being dead honestly.

Back on topic though, I wish the law allowed people to give these little shits a steel capped boot to their posteriors and then the same to their parents, because ultimately they are the ones responsible for raising brain-dead sproglings like this.

Most gun related deaths in the US are due to cheating spouses being caught. Also the first time you see a fragile woman save her own ass from a mugging (or worse) when she pulls out a legally owned pistol, you start to realize how nice it is to be able to own and carry a gun.

This is a discussion not really worth going into though, it's been done to death and it's not gonna go anywhere.

I agree - I think Clarkson could be counted as Upper Middle Class but he won't become upper class unless it divorces Francie and marries someone already landed or with blue blood parents.

I have to admit, that is the most foreign concept to me.
Yes it works very stupidly in US. That's why there we have such an issue with anti-intellectualism.
I may be 39 but I have a hooded top, and I could batter Clarkson and May together! Not sure about Hammond though he looks like he might be a tough little blighter.
You know, if they sterilised chavs at birth, this problem would gradually disappear ...

I suspect the little shits must have been giving him a LOT of stick, as we know that Jezza's had other issues when going out in public (i.e. the pie) and that seemed to be water off a duck's back to him.

As for the discussion on class warfare that's erupted (that will teach me to post before reading an entire thread!), I think we can all concur that the future multiple ASBO recipients mentioned in this article have no class at all.
Money has very little to do with class, as in money cannot buy class. I'm sure all of you have heard that before.

very much reminds me of the book 'The Collector'. Boring book, but the beginning of it brings across that very point very well
The British Class system is way more complex than even most Brits know - because you are only vaguely aware of the social norms that other classes adhere to, its not just/or even money.

The language and choice of what to call things differs, a bit like US and UK English only much more subtle.

At what time you have, and what you call your evening meal for instance.
At what time you have, and what you call your evening meal for instance.

It's dinner when it's early afternoon and tea in the evening. Anyone who thinks different is just wrong.
Its this American bullshit ideology of making Utiopian environment, that will never exist.

That was in the 1950s, what doesn't exist in America is that idea anymore.

It's stupid and i blame the whole "i'll sue you" culture of the American legal system that basically started the whole political correct cycle.

I think any of us Americans would take the blame for starting that trend, but by no means did we force your countries to blow it out of proportion the way you did. If anything people are now aware of that in the U.S. and so far as I've heard were haven't had any stupid cases like that in ages.

Yes it works very stupidly in US. That's why there we have such an issue with anti-intellectualism.

I'll admit that i agreed with you on a few points about being humane, and using good character to get ahead in business, but what are you on about with this "anti-intellectualism"? And if your referring to class dictated by money, i think that makes far more sense that people with strong work ethics and or bright ideas get the recognition rather then being dictated by whose legs you got popped out of.
EDIT: I remember my History teacher putting a quote up on the board, it said how teenagers were vile, disgusting and dirt criminals and terrorists. Then he told us that it had been written by some ancient greek! Some things never change.

"Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food, and tyrannize their teachers." - Socrates.
"Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food, and tyrannize their teachers." - Socrates.

Very true, I believe all teenagers all assholes, being that they just try to be better then everyone else. And that includes me, I am polite and such but still a teenager, I can't wait to not be one.