Don't know why, everytime I see a pink car I've got this sudden urge to eat strawberry ice-cream.
All we have learned from this thread is alot of people have no integrity. This aggrivates me. People hate something, but because it's for a good cause, it's ok? By that line of thinking, me raping someone would be ok, if I was to say take donations per minute I could last without getting pepper sprayed and give it to a cancer foundation? People have no convictions anymore.
Y'know, this car would look AWESOME with bunny ears.

All we have learned from this thread is alot of people have no integrity. This aggrivates me. People hate something, but because it's for a good cause, it's ok? By that line of thinking, me raping someone would be ok, if I was to say take donations per minute I could last without getting pepper sprayed and give it to a cancer foundation? People have no convictions anymore.
Did you really just compare a pink car to rape? Seriously? One is a petty little thing regarding car color while the other is a criminal offense.
Worst comparison EVER.
There is only one thing that should be compared to rape, and that is rape. Period. Full stop.
All we have learned from this thread is alot of people have no integrity. This aggrivates me. People hate something, but because it's for a good cause, it's ok? By that line of thinking, me raping someone would be ok, if I was to say take donations per minute I could last without getting pepper sprayed and give it to a cancer foundation? People have no convictions anymore.
I feel that since its a Bentley, you can actually get away with rocking that color. Looks classy.