The "When I come to power I will......" Thread

It's been a while, so I'm going to update my platform.

1. All current politicians found to have stolen any amount of public funding will be rounded up, enslaved, tied like a herd of cattle pulling on a cart and forced to work on the construction of motorways which they have been working feverishly to postpone so that they can suck in funds and line their pockets with a wad of cash, cars and mansions. Oh, and if the rate of motorway construction is less than 500 km / year in the next 10 years, any survivors will be rounded up, hung, drawn, quartered and burned at the stake.

2. All roads are to be resurfaced with racing tarmac designed to last for 100 years without breaking down into ruts or potholes.

3. A Formula 1-standard racing track shall be built somewhere in a hilly region of Transylvania, in order to allow fantastic scenery and a great track layout. Also, the government will unequivocally support the event, and a scholarship programme for young, aspiring racing drivers will be instated using government funds.

4. Olympic-level sports and sportspeople are to be encouraged towards performance with prizes truly worthy of their performances, not the miserable state prizes given out right now years after the performance itself.

5. Football's public exposure will be reduced drastically, and if any football team boss is caught shooting his mouth off on TV, he shall be sentenced to life in prison.

6. Reform the educational system in such a way that the best do not fall by the wayside in favor of rich kids who buy their way into everything. Also, admission exams into high-school and university will be reworked such that only the worthy and the capable manage to enter in each of them.

7. Massive upgrades in tourism-oriented infrastructure. It's a massive untapped resource. And once the infrastructure is completed and foreigners are able to come to the various tourist attractions without growing old on the way there, create a country brand which truly encompasses what this country will have become, NOT A BLOODY LEAF FOR WHICH 800 THOUSAND EUROS WERE PAID WHILE THE DAMN THING COSTS LESS THAN 2 EUROS!!!!!!!

8. Ramp up research and development into high-end industry, and pick an area of this country that shall be turned into a mini-Silicon Valley. And, most importantly, stop the extreme brain drain.

9. Just like everyone around here, change the piracy laws and decriminalize file sharing. Although it wouldn't actually make much difference around here, probably 90% of above-average-level computer users in Romania have downloaded all kinds of things.

10. Ban everything that is killing culture, particularly a certain kind of Gypsy music. Also... might sound a bit extreme and racist and WWIIish, but Gypsies who refuse to go to school, work and basically refuse to integrate themselves into society are to be deported to the depths of Siberia.

One day later EDIT: Any references to or mentions of sparkly vampires shall be banned, and all books relating to the subject are to be confiscated, rounded-up and then stacked alongside a reconstructed Tsar Bomba, shipped into the middle of the Arctic Ocean and detonated. Any person caught reading the books after the ban will also be sent the same way.
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