Cool Videos


Pucker factor: 11.5
I see your arrestor-cable aided landing and raise you this 18 foot takeoff run.



The three best things in life are a good landing, a good orgasm, and a good bowel movement. The night carrier landing is one of the few opportunities in life to experience all three at the same time. - Unknown
^ :bow:

(I presume they've got electronics and guidance systems to help them, but it's still a Balls O' Steel effort)
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That dora the explorer one is hilarious.
Meh, I'm still more impressed with the 18 foot takeoff. I remember this awesome quote from my flight instructor after I bounced a landing: "This is a runway, not an aircraft carrier. We land our planes, not just plop them down wherever. Now take her around and land her this time."

The guy is 73 and he can scare the crap out of me when he wants to. :blink: But he's totally awesome at what he does. Heck at least that naval aviator had lights on the carrier to help him out. One time the runway lights turned off when I was halfway through my final approach. Just as I was about to gun it for a go around they came right back on and I landed about five seconds later. Nice! 8)
Has he ever tried landing on a carrier? You can hardly "plop" the plane down anywhere. There are only five arresting wires and you are aiming for #3. The arresting wires are not that far apart and you have to set the tailhook into the wire without "skipping" the hook off the deck and over the wire.

Now do it at night
In bad weather (the deck may be pitching 10 feet or more, does your nice wide land-based runway move while you are landing on it?)
In combat conditions (all you see is the "Meatball" there are no other lights aboard ship)
When you are low on fuel
After a 12 hour combat mission

One pilot described it as trying to land a plane on a black postage stamp in the middle of the ocean at night.
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I remember hearing somewhere that when the pilots land on the aircraft carrier, they immediately go full throttle, just in case they don't catch a wire and have to take off again.
That is correct. They jam open the throttles and go full after-burner in case the hook skips the wire or they miss the landing. An aircraft that fails to arrest is called a "bolter"

The end of that deck sure comes up fast.
Top Gun music...the army of scientology and their ace fighter pilot tom cruise.
That was before he went bat-shiat crazy.
The Tomcat was the real star of that film anyway.

What aircraft played the part of the MiG-28?
^ I remember seeing F-5's and T-38's.

On a slightly related note, no wonder the 'insurgents' hate us so much in Iraq! :shock: But it does look pretty fun.

Don't want to know what happened to that tractor at the end. :lol: