Lyrics by Pictures


It's a (very, very obscure) quote from Napoleon Dynamite.
OK, I've come up with one that I think is pure genius but it's a bit too cryptic and I doubt anyone will get it... So in addition to it there's a 'regular' one - If you get either one of them you win!

The hard one that nobody will get:

And the 'real' one:
I am so bad at this game. I'm not cool at all. Sadface.
'Get Free' by The Vines?
Aw! I can't believe I didn't think of that!
Let's not move on but try to solve the harder one...

Is the number 4 important? Quadrula something?!?!
What the deuce, I had no idea that was the case. I figured it was Lynyrd Skynyrd but then couldn't connect to the Homer clues.

Is Homer for the song Cheeseburgers in Paradise? :p

Thats a different one. A harder song to guess, they are not linked.