Random Thoughts....

Well I'm sure the students didn't mind and as a bonus they got all their attention.
Don't most US banks have credebit? cards that are sort of like prepaid credit cards? I know a few banks actually have debit cards, but they're the minority. Right?

Debit > credit. Spending money you don't have doesn't make sense (except on cars and houses)

I'm not sure... I've spent the past three weeks looking into US banking so I should know, but I don't. I think their Visa/MasterCard check cards are equivalent to our Interac system, and then you can also get the prepaid Visa or MasterCards from US banks which are more like gift certificates.

You're right, in most cases debit is better than credit, but there are definitely reasons why I think every adult should apply for a credit card as soon as they can. The most important is building credit; once time comes to buy your first car or house you want to already have some good credit on your record. They're gonna start you off with like $500 in credit or something, so it really is advisable to get one when you turn 18 so you have some decent credit by your mid 20s.

There's some other reasons why credit cards are handy as well. One of the biggest for me is the daily spending limits they impose on my money when I want to use my debit card to make purchases; if you're buying electronics, furniture, car parts or other expensive goods you will find yourself out of luck with an Interac or other debit card.

Lots of people are majorly indebted to their credit card companies, I think most North American credit cards have a few thousand dollars in debt on them, but I think a lot of people are unfairly against having credit because of all the horror stories you hear. But I'll reiterate my previous point, if you are irresponsible with credit you're likely just as irresponsible with real cash as well.
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I use credit cards almost exclusively (motivation: rewards points)...I pay the balance at the end of every month though. One reason I like credit cards is the fact that I don't like lying to homeless people (I feel guilty) so I feel better if I actually have no cash on me.
Oh yeah, I forgot about the rewards. My main card gives me a maximum of $50 back annually... it's peanuts but it's $50 more than I'd get if I used my debit card.

There's actually so many other reasons why CCs are not entirely pointless. Extended warranties and additional insurance for car rentals and stuff is another.
Back from my drive, I didn't buy any useless junk, but I did find a set of 8 small glasses with a funky orange flower print on them for 20 bucks. They match our kitchen decor perfectly and replace a heap of drinking glass we've broken lately. I also spied the po-po on the way back into Ballarat, saw a late model Mitsubishi Outlander sitting on the side opposite side of the road ahead of me and let off immediately. :lol: I was probably doing a bit over the 100km/h speed limit, and you know how little leeway we get here.....
I finally took apart my ruined Infinity RSIIIa speakers tonight. Even though the idiot previous owners had hacked up the cabinets and installed some godawful non-stock woofers, I still felt a little dirty taking the emit tweeters and polydome midrange drivers out to sell on ebay.
Back from my drive, I didn't buy any useless junk, but I did find a set of 8 small glasses with a funky orange flower print on them for 20 bucks. They match our kitchen decor perfectly and replace a heap of drinking glass we've broken lately. I also spied the po-po on the way back into Ballarat, saw a late model Mitsubishi Outlander sitting on the side opposite side of the road ahead of me and let off immediately. :lol: I was probably doing a bit over the 100km/h speed limit, and you know how little leeway we get here.....

Cops here have silver Toyota Camrys at the moment, last thing you think to be a cop car :mad:

On another topic entirely, scooter-ing is awesome. Mum-mobiles pulling out in front of you aren't.
I've seen Mitsubishi 380's as cop cars around liverpool. When driving through Victoria I just assumed every car parked on the side of the road was an unmarked cop car (at lot of them were).
Speaking of which I hated the movie. I have no problem with changing aspects of the story (Adams himself did it four times) but it failed to be funny.

I'm with you on that - i think the main problem was that they changed the main plot into an Arthur/Trillian rom-com.

EDIT: While i don't mind any other changes of the plot's working, this changed to tone of the film....
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I'm about to go grocery shopping whilst a bit hungover. Hmmm.

Oh well, it was worth it for the night of fake poker, Guitar Hero and pushing people around my mate's backyard in a shopping trolley someone had dumped in the park next door.

Dumped shopping trolley? Ah yes, from Ballarat I see.... :p
So how did that thing with your nephew (or cousin, can't remember) go?

Also, while I'm still here, where is it in India you are visiting and what stopped you from mildly suggesting to go for a hotel instead of staying at your Uncle's because it doesn't sound particularly pleasant.

The thing with the nephew went with semi-mixed results. He loves the netbook and it opens the world to the family. They're going to get 3G internet access soon so he can check the internet and learn more about women and body parts....i mean check and send email. So thank you to all for recommending it, it worked! Hopefully he won't try to install games on it.

As for the hotel: Even a subtle mention would be an insult to them, and the last thing would be to cause some drama. Secondly, because of the 4 days of ceremonies we had to do for my grandmothers 1 year death anniversary we needed to wake up at 5 every day and go on till the afternoon with rituals. This would be very difficult if we were in a hotel. Third and least is budget.

The thing with the eastern toilet stuff is is that we've been there and used it so many times, but it's just getting ridic after about the 6th or 7th time of visiting. Certain things about India haven't changed now that I'm 23 compared to when I was 3.

We arrived in Calcutta this morning so we're staying at a 4 star hotel for the next few days, and of course this one has nice AirCon, beds, GREAAAT food, and of course les toilets western.


Squat toilets ARE THE WORST THING IN THE WORLD. (shudders)

It's a good thing that most people in China are using Western toilets these days, even if the plumbing means you can't dispose of the tissue paper by putting in the toilet without it flooding. The house where I was born still has a squat toilet. I was stayed there this year, and I had to use it.

...never again...

Amen, never again. I hope I don't have to at least. The only other problem I had is that freaking this one day a lizard came and was sitting on the bit right above the door. It just stayed there... watching me shit. Was fucking scary dawg.

I just don't understand the concept of a squat toilet. In Singapore, there are Western and Eastern toilets and hoses to wash your bum out. Thanks Thomas Crapper for making life much easier.

Never used the spritzer/bidet. I just have this feeling that I'd be walking around with wet asscrack syndrome all day jiggling my legs to get rid of the awkward feeling. I guess if you wipe on top of that or something... *shudders*.
I use credit cards almost exclusively (motivation: rewards points)...I pay the balance at the end of every month though. One reason I like credit cards is the fact that I don't like lying to homeless people (I feel guilty) so I feel better if I actually have no cash on me.

Points ftw, I try and use my CC for every thing. Good thing its also interest free! :D
My credit card company seems to love me since in 3 years I have acquired a 2,300$ credit line on my little basic card.

Thanks to online bill pay I usually pay it off 2x a month :lol:
Points ftw, I try and use my CC for every thing. Good thing its also interest free! :D

I have a family friend who bought a car with their CC, they had the cash on hand and just paid off the card. They then took a vacation with the points that had accumulated.
I need to break down and get a credit card. I honestly don't know why I haven't gotten one by now. *shrugs*
The only radio station around here that broadcasts (or rather... broadcasted) quality music with nationwide coverage, i.e. the radio station that I liked listening to most while driving, has been taken off the air and replaced by a mainstream crap radio station which already had a frequency slot since before I moved around the area and we had a car. :mad:

*raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaage* Give me back my radio station, you fools! :shakefist:

EDIT: Maybe the fact that in the last month they were the ones that started broadcasting "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" was a hidden message... :(
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The only radio station around here that broadcasts (or rather... broadcasted) quality music with nationwide coverage, i.e. the radio station that I liked listening to most while driving, has been taken off the air and replaced by a mainstream crap radio station which already had a frequency slot since before I moved around the area and we had a car. :mad:

*raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaage* Give me back my radio station, you fools! :shakefist:

Everytime I gain control of our car, the speakers only emmit sounds from the CD...I hate radio stations.

My fav tune comes on, nice beat, mildly vigurous driving... and suddenly... ''I'M TALKING AT AN INAPROPRIATE TIME HURR DURR, THERE'S A CRASH ON THE MOTORWAY LOL............. https://pic.armedcats.net/s/sc/schumacherm/2010/09/12/problem1251559108.jpg.'' end of song.

''the meme of a face and two repeating letters''
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I have a family friend who bought a car with their CC, they had the cash on hand and just paid off the card. They then took a vacation with the points that had accumulated.

A new car?

That seems unusual, dealerships tend to not want to do that because of the hefty prices the CC company would charge them. I know they take deposits on CC when you put your name down on a waiting list, but if you can actually buy a car with it then that's news to me.