Random Thoughts....

Surreal moment of the day: I was at a light when I saw a red flash in my periphery, I look over and see a Ferrari 458 which I'm 99.9% sure was being driven by Michael Keaton.
Oh, he's serious. And, to some extent, correct about some people's attitudes today. I'm very lucky to have an adopted younger brother (my mum nearly died having me.) He's black. It's never bothered me, but it confused the hell out of my schoolmates. I haven't seen him for ages, but the last time I did we were in a pub together and he got grief for being black, and I got spat on for spending time with a black bloke.
Damn, rare you see that sort of stuff around here, most people don't judge by skin colour in this area, nationality on the other hand...

Lots of hate against the Spanish (seen as destroying the local fishing industry) and the Eastern Europeans (its rare you find a factory around here employing "locals") around here... Then to a lesser extent there is the traditional hate against the English (because of some wars hundreds of years ago), United Kingdom my arse... :rolleyes:

Today was warm, 16C or something. A couple of days ago it was 24C, slightly out of season! :lol:
It's supposed to be 20?+ for the whole long weekend over here so yay for that. Too bad the temp is going to start dropping around Wednesday.
Why is outside bleach. This is totally awesome for migraine head.
No, the chemical kind of bleach. Like for the crime of having my window open because it is needed to cool off my room, I am now choking on bleach fumes somehow. HOW DOES THAT WORK. OUTSIDE IS VENTILATED.
It's supposed to be 70s all next week, I thought we were in the month of October, not June. This is weird, being able to enjoy the awesome autumn weather with the windows rolled down and no coat. Probably the first time in my life it's been like this.
Working is good, because it means money, being exhausted because you were so lazy on your holidays and not used to getting up at 6am and having little free time is not. I guess this is the real world, huh?

Now, let's see how I go fitting these odd working hours around my classes resuming on Monday. Looks like I'll have to try and let my teachers know I'll need stuff put up on our intranet ASAP so I can get tasks done.

I case you're wondering what I'm talking about, I was called up to do childcare relief work from last Wednesday-Friday (and the same days next week) to fill in during the day for staff on breaks / away because this particular place was very busy with their school holiday program. Anyway, I must've done alright, because I was asked on Friday if I'd like to do some more days to fill in as a part-time assistant with the preschool kids, while on of the usual assistants is away until the first week of November. Of course, I accepted, having to fit classes / uni-work around it or not. It's the first time I've had any sort of paid work since June, 2009. Not going to complain too much if I can help it!
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I wish it we're the 90's all next week here... oh dear childhood nostalgia time.

Seriously, I miss 90's children's TV shows they could get away with so much more back then. :sigh:

And every show didn't have to teach you something.....

And every show didn't have to teach you something.....


Yah, when even the Rugrats started having "educational director" show up in the credits one knows we were doomed to "lesson-learning" tv.

Oddly, in the last few years, it seems like the networks have taken a step back from that whole thing...
People told me slow my roll I'm screaming out fuck that
Imma do just what I want lookin? ahead no turnin? back
If I fall if I die know I lived it to the fullest
If I fall if I die know I lived and missed some bullets

I'm on the pursuit of happiness and I know everything that shine ain't always gonna be gold
I'll be fine once I get it, I'll be good.
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I wish it we're the 90's all next week here... oh dear childhood nostalgia time.

Seriously, I miss 90's children's TV shows they could get away with so much more back then. :sigh:

The 90's for me was Freakazoid. I still watch it to this very day, although I think it warped me a bit growing up. :lol: Had to import the dvd's but it was worth it.

HUGGBEES!!!! :roflmao:
The few friends that I have left are the most absolutely amazing people. <3 I had an awesome night tonight, and one of my bestest girl friends' boyfriend won her and me stuffed toys out of one of those claw machines at Denny's.

I wish tonight didn't have to end :(
The 90's for me was Freakazoid. I still watch it to this very day, although I think it warped me a bit growing up. :lol: Had to import the dvd's but it was worth it.


I loved "Freakazoid"!

Did you know that he and I had the same weakness? Graphite bars charged with negative ions. Well, that and poo gas.

And I loved the episodes with Candle Jack! Those were the b

I loved "Freakazoid"!

Did you know that he and I had the same weakness? Graphite bars charged with negative ions. Well, that and poo gas.

And I loved the episodes with Candle Jack! Those were the b

I think I can safely say that all the French an' Norwegian I know comes from Freakazoid. :lol:

Candle Jack was one of the best episodes. Some of me other faves were "Dexter's Date" with the Lobe's Song (which I know off by heart) and "Dance of Doom" with Cave Guy. That show was awesome, shame it got cancelled. :(

Oh an' I found this too. I think a pur-chase has to be done. :lol:
Freakazoid F! Shirt
strangely enough i've never seen Freakazoid. For me 90's cartoons were things like Batman: The Animated Series and Animaniacs.